Neuromorphic electronic circuits for building autonomous cognitive systems
Several analog and digital brain-inspired electronic systems have been recently proposed
as dedicated solutions for fast simulations of spiking neural networks. While these …
as dedicated solutions for fast simulations of spiking neural networks. While these …
SpiNNaker: A 1-W 18-core system-on-chip for massively-parallel neural network simulation
The modelling of large systems of spiking neurons is computationally very demanding in
terms of processing power and communication. SpiNNaker-Spiking Neural Network …
terms of processing power and communication. SpiNNaker-Spiking Neural Network …
A hierachical configuration system for a massively parallel neural hardware platform
Simulation of large networks of neurons is a powerful and increasingly prominent
methodology for investigate brain functions and structures. Dedicated parallel hardware is a …
methodology for investigate brain functions and structures. Dedicated parallel hardware is a …
Self-repair in a bidirectionally coupled astrocyte-neuron (AN) system based on retrograde signaling
In this paper we demonstrate that retrograde signaling via astrocytes may underpin self-
repair in the brain. Faults manifest themselves in silent or near silent neurons caused by low …
repair in the brain. Faults manifest themselves in silent or near silent neurons caused by low …
Multiplexing physical neurons to optimize power and area
Embodiments of the invention relate to a multiplexed neural core circuit. One embodiment
comprises a neural core circuit including a memory device that maintains neuronal attributes …
comprises a neural core circuit including a memory device that maintains neuronal attributes …
Consolidating multiple neurosynaptic core circuits into one reconfigurable memory block maintaining neuronal information for the core circuits
Embodiments of the invention relate to a neural network circuit comprising a memory block
for maintaining neuronal data for multiple neurons, a scheduler for maintaining incoming …
for maintaining neuronal data for multiple neurons, a scheduler for maintaining incoming …
Consolidating multiple neurosynaptic cores into one memory
Embodiments of the invention relate to a neural network system comprising a single memory
block for multiple neurosynaptic core modules. One embodiment comprises a neural …
block for multiple neurosynaptic core modules. One embodiment comprises a neural …
PyNCS: a microkernel for high-level definition and configuration of neuromorphic electronic systems
Neuromorphic hardware offers an electronic substrate for the realization of asynchronous
event-based sensory-motor systems and large-scale spiking neural network architectures. In …
event-based sensory-motor systems and large-scale spiking neural network architectures. In …
General hardware multicasting for fine-grained message-passing architectures
Manycore architectures are increasingly favouring message-passing or partitioned global
address spaces (PGAS) over cache coherency for reasons of power efficiency and …
address spaces (PGAS) over cache coherency for reasons of power efficiency and …
Cepstrum based unsupervised spike classification
In this research, we study the effect of feature selection in the spike detection and sorting
accuracy. We introduce a new feature representation for neural spikes from multichannel …
accuracy. We introduce a new feature representation for neural spikes from multichannel …