Resilient secondary voltage control of islanded microgrids: An ESKBF-based distributed fast terminal sliding mode control approach

P Ge, Y Zhu, TC Green, F Teng - IEEE Transactions on Power …, 2020 -
This paper proposes a distributed secondary voltage control method based on extended
state Kalman-Bucy filter (ESKBF) and fast terminal sliding mode (FTSM) control for the …

Extended state filter based disturbance and uncertainty mitigation for nonlinear uncertain systems with application to fuel cell temperature control

W Xue, X Zhang, L Sun, H Fang - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 -
The filter design for nonlinear uncertain systems is quite challenging since efficient
estimation is required against stochastic noises, nonlinear uncertain dynamics as well as …

Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control of magnetic levitation system based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network Identification with an Extended Kalman–Bucy filter

M Abdollahzadeh, M Pourgholi - Engineering Applications of Artificial …, 2024 - Elsevier
The electromagnet levitation control system (EMS) is the core component of the magnetic
levitation train. However, its nature is characterized by an inherent instability and strongly …

PECLOS path-following control of underactuated AUV with multiple disturbances and input constraints

J Miao, Y Wang, K Deng, X Sun, W Liu, Z Guo - Ocean Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper presents a new position error-constrained line-of-sight (PECLOS) path-following
(PF) control strategy for an underactuated AUV under multiple disturbances and input …

[PDF][PDF] Extended state filtering with saturation-con-strainted observations and active disturbance rejection control of position and attitude for drag-free satellites

Y Fei, T Shu-**, X Wen-Chao, G **… - Acta Automatica …, 2020 -
The joint control of the drag-free satellite's attitude, the relative displacement and the relative
attitude between the satellite body and the test mass is full of challenges because of the …

Improving Performance of ADRC Control Systems Affected by Measurement Noise Using Kalman Filter-Tuned Extended State Observer

J Michalski, M Mrotek, D Pazderski, P Kozierski… - …, 2024 -
This paper presents a novel tuning method for the extended state observer (ESO), which is
applied in the active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) algorithm operating in a …

Cyber-Attack detection of Bias Injection Attacks using Extended State Kalman Filters

M Altius, SH Liang - 2023 International Automatic Control …, 2023 -
Cyber-Attacks against Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) in Industry have increased in
frequency and scale over the past decade. Successful attacks have damaged infrastructure …

Distributed Kalman filter for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems: An extended state method

X He, X Zhang, W Xue, H Fang - 2018 21st International …, 2018 -
This paper studies the distributed state estimation problem for a class of discrete-time
stochastic systems with nonlinear uncertain dynamics over time-varying topologies of sensor …

Extended state based Kalman filter for uncertain systems with bias

X Zhang, W Xue, H Fang, S Li, J Yang - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper addresses the state estimation for a class of stochastic systems with both
uncertain dynamics and measurement bias. By using the idea of uncertainty/disturbance …

Design of an Extended State Cubature Kalman Filter

C Tang, Z Tian, D Liu, Z Wang - 2024 IEEE Industrial …, 2024 -
This paper explores the filtering problem of a nonlinear system characterized by linear
measurement equations and subjected to unknown disturbances and measurement noise …