Lévy walks

V Zaburdaev, S Denisov, J Klafter - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2015 - APS
Random walk is a fundamental concept with applications ranging from quantum physics to
econometrics. Remarkably, one specific model of random walks appears to be ubiquitous …

Ethology as a physical science

AEX Brown, B De Bivort - Nature Physics, 2018 - nature.com
Ethology as a physical science | Nature Physics Skip to main content Thank you for visiting
nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best …

Swarming bacteria migrate by Lévy Walk

G Ariel, A Rabani, S Benisty, JD Partridge… - Nature …, 2015 - nature.com
Individual swimming bacteria are known to bias their random trajectories in search of food
and to optimize survival. The motion of bacteria within a swarm, wherein they migrate as a …

Lévy walks evolve through interaction between movement and environmental complexity

M de Jager, FJ Weissing, PMJ Herman, BA Nolet… - Science, 2011 - science.org
Ecological theory predicts that animal movement is shaped by its efficiency of resource
acquisition. Focusing solely on efficiency, however, ignores the fact that animal activity can …

Lévy flights do not always optimize random blind search for sparse targets

VV Palyulin, AV Chechkin, R Metzler - Proceedings of the National …, 2014 - pnas.org
It is generally believed that random search processes based on scale-free, Lévy stable jump
length distributions (Lévy flights) optimize the search for sparse targets. Here we show that …

Liberating Lévy walk research from the shackles of optimal foraging

A Reynolds - Physics of life reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
There is now compelling evidence that many organisms have movement patterns that can
be described as Lévy walks, or Lévy flights. Lévy movement patterns have been identified in …

Evolution of dispersal and life history interact to drive accelerating spread of an invasive species

T Alex Perkins, BL Phillips, ML Baskett… - Ecology letters, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Populations on the edge of an expanding range are subject to unique evolutionary
pressures acting on their life‐history and dispersal traits. Empirical evidence and theory …

Unraveling the origin of exponential law in intra-urban human mobility

X Liang, J Zhao, L Dong, K Xu - Scientific reports, 2013 - nature.com
The vast majority of travel takes place within cities. Recently, new data has become
available which allows for the discovery of urban mobility patterns which differ from …

An improved algorithm optimization algorithm based on RungeKutta and golden sine strategy

M Li, Z Liu, H Song - Expert Systems with Applications, 2024 - Elsevier
To overcome the shortcomings of the algorithm optimization algorithm (AOA), such as its
slow convergence speed and poor global search ability, an improved AOA based on …

Of scales and stationarity in animal movements

S Benhamou - Ecology letters, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
With recent technological advances in tracking devices, movements of numerous animal
species can be recorded with a high resolution over large spatial and temporal ranges. This …