Lévy walks
Random walk is a fundamental concept with applications ranging from quantum physics to
econometrics. Remarkably, one specific model of random walks appears to be ubiquitous …
econometrics. Remarkably, one specific model of random walks appears to be ubiquitous …
Ethology as a physical science
Ethology as a physical science | Nature Physics Skip to main content Thank you for visiting
nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best …
nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best …
Swarming bacteria migrate by Lévy Walk
Individual swimming bacteria are known to bias their random trajectories in search of food
and to optimize survival. The motion of bacteria within a swarm, wherein they migrate as a …
and to optimize survival. The motion of bacteria within a swarm, wherein they migrate as a …
Lévy walks evolve through interaction between movement and environmental complexity
Ecological theory predicts that animal movement is shaped by its efficiency of resource
acquisition. Focusing solely on efficiency, however, ignores the fact that animal activity can …
acquisition. Focusing solely on efficiency, however, ignores the fact that animal activity can …
Lévy flights do not always optimize random blind search for sparse targets
It is generally believed that random search processes based on scale-free, Lévy stable jump
length distributions (Lévy flights) optimize the search for sparse targets. Here we show that …
length distributions (Lévy flights) optimize the search for sparse targets. Here we show that …
Liberating Lévy walk research from the shackles of optimal foraging
A Reynolds - Physics of life reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
There is now compelling evidence that many organisms have movement patterns that can
be described as Lévy walks, or Lévy flights. Lévy movement patterns have been identified in …
be described as Lévy walks, or Lévy flights. Lévy movement patterns have been identified in …
Evolution of dispersal and life history interact to drive accelerating spread of an invasive species
Populations on the edge of an expanding range are subject to unique evolutionary
pressures acting on their life‐history and dispersal traits. Empirical evidence and theory …
pressures acting on their life‐history and dispersal traits. Empirical evidence and theory …
Unraveling the origin of exponential law in intra-urban human mobility
X Liang, J Zhao, L Dong, K Xu - Scientific reports, 2013 - nature.com
The vast majority of travel takes place within cities. Recently, new data has become
available which allows for the discovery of urban mobility patterns which differ from …
available which allows for the discovery of urban mobility patterns which differ from …
An improved algorithm optimization algorithm based on RungeKutta and golden sine strategy
M Li, Z Liu, H Song - Expert Systems with Applications, 2024 - Elsevier
To overcome the shortcomings of the algorithm optimization algorithm (AOA), such as its
slow convergence speed and poor global search ability, an improved AOA based on …
slow convergence speed and poor global search ability, an improved AOA based on …
Of scales and stationarity in animal movements
S Benhamou - Ecology letters, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
With recent technological advances in tracking devices, movements of numerous animal
species can be recorded with a high resolution over large spatial and temporal ranges. This …
species can be recorded with a high resolution over large spatial and temporal ranges. This …