Effects of strength training using unstable surfaces on strength, power and balance performance across the lifespan: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Background The effectiveness of strength training on unstable surfaces (STU) versus stable
surfaces (STS) or a control condition (CON; ie áno training or regular training only) for …
surfaces (STS) or a control condition (CON; ie áno training or regular training only) for …
Proprioception in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Part 2: Clinical assessment and intervention
Introduction Proprioception can be impaired in gradual-onset musculoskeletal pain
disorders and following trauma. Understanding of the role of proprioception in sensorimotor …
disorders and following trauma. Understanding of the role of proprioception in sensorimotor …
Effect of using a suspension training system on muscle activation during the performance of a front plank exercise
JM Byrne, NS Bishop, AM Caines… - The Journal of …, 2014 - journals.lww.com
Abstract Byrne, JM, Bishop, NS, Caines, AM, Crane, KA, Feaver, AM, and Pearcey, GEP.
Effect of using a suspension training system on muscle activation during the performance of …
Effect of using a suspension training system on muscle activation during the performance of …
The effect of foot posture on static balance, ankle and knee proprioception in 18-to-25-year-old female student: a cross-sectional study
Background & purpose Afferent input from the sole affects postural stability. Cutaneous
reflexes from the foot are important to posture and gait. Lower-limb afferents alone provide …
reflexes from the foot are important to posture and gait. Lower-limb afferents alone provide …
Balance training exercises decrease lower-limb strength asymmetry in young tennis players
I Sannicandro, G Cofano, RA Rosa… - Journal of sports …, 2014 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The issue of functional asymmetries in the lower-limbs has been the subject of numerous
recent investigations concerning many different contact, limited-contact and non-contact …
recent investigations concerning many different contact, limited-contact and non-contact …
Instability resistance training across the exercise continuum
Context: Instability resistance training (IRT; unstable surfaces and devices to strengthen the
core or trunk muscles) is popular in fitness training facilities. Objective: To examine …
core or trunk muscles) is popular in fitness training facilities. Objective: To examine …
Effects of stabilization exercise using a ball on mutifidus cross-sectional area in patients with chronic low back pain
SH Chung, JS Lee, JS Yoon - Journal of sports science & …, 2013 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of lumbar stabilization exercises using
balls to the effects of general lumbar stabilization exercises with respect to changes in the …
balls to the effects of general lumbar stabilization exercises with respect to changes in the …
The investigation of the effect of static and dynamic core training on performance on football players
A Bayrakdar, HK Boz, Ö Işıldar - Turkish Journal of Sport and …, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of static and dynamic core training on the
performance of football players. In this study, static and dynamically applied core exercises …
performance of football players. In this study, static and dynamically applied core exercises …
The effects of sex, limb dominance, and soccer participation on knee proprioception and dynamic postural control
Context: Both female athletes' participation in soccer and associated injuries have greatly
increased in recent years. One issue is the 2–9 times greater incidence of noncontact …
increased in recent years. One issue is the 2–9 times greater incidence of noncontact …
Comparison of effect of static and dynamic core exercises on speed and agility performance in soccer players
OBJECTIVE: This study compared the effects of dynamic and static core training programs
on soccer related speed, agility. anaerobic power tests, core stability tests and body …
on soccer related speed, agility. anaerobic power tests, core stability tests and body …