Effect of selfish behaviour on OLSR and AODV routing protocols in MANETs

H Amraoui, A Habbani, A Hajami - 2014 Global Summit on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we'll try to discuss the cooperation of nodes representing one of the important
factors in improving the quality of service (QoS) and security in mobile ad hoc networks …

[PDF][PDF] Multivariate Analysis for Fuzzy Correlated Node Behavior Detection in Wireless Sensor Network.

N Shahidah, AH Azni - J. Commun., 2018 - jocm.us
Wireless Sensor Network depends highly upon the cooperation among the nodes behavior
in transmission of packet data, messages and route discovery. Over open medium …

[PDF][PDF] Técnicas de reputación para redes de comunicaciones inalámbricas multi-salto

FAR Mayol, JG Sempere - 2013 - core.ac.uk
En las redes MANET, las funciones de establecimiento y mantenimiento de la red deben ser
realizadas por los propios nodos que la componen de manera distribuida. Esta …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis for the Effect of Selfishness Attack on AODV Protocol

G Rizwana, G Wasim - International Journal of Advance Research in …, 2016 - ijarest.org
International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology Analysis for
the Effect of Selfishness Attac Page 1 International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering …

[PDF][PDF] OLSR Fuzzy Cost (OLSR-FC): uma extensão ao protocolo OLSR baseada em lógica Fuzzy e aplicada à prevenção de nós egoístas

DAM José - 2014 - researchgate.net
José, Diógenes Antonio Marques José. OLSR Fuzzy Cost (OLSR-FC): uma extensão ao
protocolo OLSR baseada em lógica Fuzzy e aplicada à prevenção de nós egoístas …

[PDF][PDF] Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Analysis of the Impact of Selfish Users in the Performance OLSR Protocol

DAM José, DDL Nascimento, FEC Rihbane, JAR Cruz - academia.edu
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Analysis of the Impact of Selfish Users in the Performance OLSR
Protocol Page 1 Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Analysis of the Impact of Selfish Users in the …

[PDF][PDF] Study of Techniques used for Detection of Selfish Nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Networks

R Sheth, R Agrawal - ETCEE–2015, 2015 - academia.edu
A MANET (Mobile Ad hoc network) consists of mobile nodes connected through wireless
links. MANETs are selfconfiguring networks without having fixed infrastructure. Each node …

[PDF][PDF] Modeling, Implementation and Performance Analysis of Selfish Behavior in Enhanced Selfish-DSR Routing Protocol of MANET

R Kothari, D Dembla - International Journal of Computer …, 2013 - academia.edu
The key confront in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is its dynamic nature, which itself
carries security measures. The Mobile Ad hoc Network is multi-hop in nature where nodes …

Técnicas de Reputación para Redes de Comunicaciones Inalámbricas Multi-Salto

FA Rodríguez Mayol - 2013 - dspace.umh.es
En las redes MANET, las funciones de establecimiento y mantenimiento de la red deben ser
realizadas por los propios nodos que la componen de manera distribuida. Esta …

[SITAT][C] Performance Analysis & Implementation of Enhanced DSR Routing Protocol of MANET using Selfish Behavior

RH Kothari, D Dembla - International Journal, 2013