A novel mixed-mode power exponent cohesive zone model for FDEM and its application to tunnel excavation in the layered rock mass
P Liu, Q Liu, P Deng, Y Bo, X **e - Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2024 - Springer
To investigate the asymmetric failure mechanism and failure mode of layered rock tunnels, a
novel mixed-mode power exponent cohesive zone model (M-PECZM) is proposed in this …
novel mixed-mode power exponent cohesive zone model (M-PECZM) is proposed in this …
Investigation of the excavation damaged zone around deep TBM tunnel using a Voronoi-element based explicit numerical manifold method
Z Wu, Y Jiang, Q Liu, H Ma - International Journal of Rock Mechanics and …, 2018 - Elsevier
A Voronoi-element based explicit numerical manifold method is adopted to investigate the
evolution process and failure characteristics of the excavation damaged zone around a …
evolution process and failure characteristics of the excavation damaged zone around a …
Probabilistic assessment of effects of heterogeneity on the stability of coal mine overburden dump slopes through discrete element framework
The proper assessment of stability of overburden (OB) dump slopes for the prevention of
unforeseeable incidents has become a crucial issue for the coal mine industries across the …
unforeseeable incidents has become a crucial issue for the coal mine industries across the …
Mechanical response of a circular tunnel under anisotropic stress conditions using the Hoek–Brown strain-softening model
The present study attempts to examine the behavior of circular tunnel excavation in rock
mass under anisotropic stress conditions with various postpeak behaviors. A brief review of …
mass under anisotropic stress conditions with various postpeak behaviors. A brief review of …
Seismic vulnerability assessment of steel fiber reinforced shotcrete lined (SFRS) tunnel: a himalayan case study
The entire Himalayan arc is predicted to produce a series of significant earthquakes and the
subsequent great earthquakes of magnitude 8.0 and higher. A substantial amount of rock …
subsequent great earthquakes of magnitude 8.0 and higher. A substantial amount of rock …
Evaluation method for rock mass structure integrity based on borehole multivariate data
J Wang, H Xu, W Chen, C Wang… - International Journal of …, 2022 - ascelibrary.org
Given the single and one-sided problems of traditional rock mass structure integrity
evaluation methods, this paper will use borehole test data that were obtained by …
evaluation methods, this paper will use borehole test data that were obtained by …
The progressive failure mechanism of the tunnel‐slope system under rainfall: an experimental investigation
Q Jiao, Y Wang, W Jiang - Geofluids, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Tunnel excavation has always been an important reason for the stability failure of the tunnel‐
slope system at the portal section. In case of rainfall, it is likely to cause serious disasters …
slope system at the portal section. In case of rainfall, it is likely to cause serious disasters …
Transverse dynamic response of circular tunnels in blocky rock mass using distinct-element method
Recent cases of damage to mountain tunnels have raised concerns about the seismic
performance of underground structures. The damaged sections have been majorly observed …
performance of underground structures. The damaged sections have been majorly observed …
Study on bearing characteristic of rock mass with different structures: Physical modeling
Z Zhao, H **g, X Shi, L Yang, Q Yin… - Geomechanics and …, 2021 - koreascience.kr
In this paper, to study the stability of surrounding rock during roadway excavation in different
rock mass structures, the physical model test for roadway excavation process in three types …
rock mass structures, the physical model test for roadway excavation process in three types …
A comprehensive probabilistic investigation on bearing behavior of unsaturated fly ash deposits
A novel formulation has been developed for allowable bearing capacity of partially saturated
geomaterial considering the strength nonlinearity for a steady-state surface flux boundary …
geomaterial considering the strength nonlinearity for a steady-state surface flux boundary …