Temperate ice in the shear margins of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: Controlling processes and preliminary locations
The flux of grounded ice from the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) primarily occurs through narrow,
fast-flowing outlet glaciers and ice streams. Shearing generates heat in the lateral glacier …
fast-flowing outlet glaciers and ice streams. Shearing generates heat in the lateral glacier …
Deformation‐induced melting in the margins of the West Antarctic ice streams
Flow of glacial ice in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet localizes in narrow bands of fast‐flowing
ice streams bordered by ridges of nearly stagnant ice, but our understanding of the physical …
ice streams bordered by ridges of nearly stagnant ice, but our understanding of the physical …
Subglacial hydrology and ice stream margin locations
Fast‐flowing ice streams in West Antarctica are separated from the nearly stagnant ice in the
adjacent ridge by zones of highly localized deformation known as shear margins. It is …
adjacent ridge by zones of highly localized deformation known as shear margins. It is …
A model for the downstream evolution of temperate ice and subglacial hydrology along ice stream shear margins
Antarctic mass balance and contribution to sea level rise are dominated by the flow of ice
through narrow conduits called ice streams. These regions of relatively fast flow drain over …
through narrow conduits called ice streams. These regions of relatively fast flow drain over …
[HTML][HTML] Analytical solutions for the advective–diffusive ice column in the presence of strain heating
A thorough understanding of ice thermodynamics is essential for an accurate description of
glaciers, ice sheets and ice shelves. Yet there exists a significant gap in our theoretical …
glaciers, ice sheets and ice shelves. Yet there exists a significant gap in our theoretical …
Effects of ice deformation on Röthlisberger channels and implications for transitions in subglacial hydrology
Along the base of glaciers and ice sheets, the sliding of ice over till depends critically on
water drainage. In locations where drainage occurs through Röthlisberger channels, the …
water drainage. In locations where drainage occurs through Röthlisberger channels, the …
Determining conditions that allow a shear margin to coincide with a Röthlisberger channel
The mass loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is dominated by numerous rapidly flowing
ice streams, which are separated from stagnant ice in the adjacent ridges by zones of …
ice streams, which are separated from stagnant ice in the adjacent ridges by zones of …
Thermomechanical behaviour of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: from analytical advances to a modelling approach
D Moreno Parada - 2025 - docta.ucm.es
Abstract The Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) was the largest of the former Northern Hemisphere
ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21,000 years before present) …
ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21,000 years before present) …
On the periodicity of free oscillations for a finite ice column
The temperature distribution in ice sheets is worthy of attention given the strong relation with
ice dynamics and the intrinsic information about past surface temperature variations. Here …
ice dynamics and the intrinsic information about past surface temperature variations. Here …
Ice and ocean dynamics at a subglacial river mouth on the Siple Coast, Antarctica
A Whiteford - 2022 - openaccess.wgtn.ac.nz
Channels melted into the base of ice shelves are thought to influence ice shelf evolution by
redistributing melt patterns and reducing their structural integrity. Theories of basal melt and …
redistributing melt patterns and reducing their structural integrity. Theories of basal melt and …