Building PV integration according to regional climate conditions: BIPV regional adaptability extending Köppen-Geiger climate classification against urban and climate …
Despite the technical maturity and substantial potential cost reduction of BIPV technologies,
there are still challenges to overcome for the expansion of BIPV applications and their wider …
there are still challenges to overcome for the expansion of BIPV applications and their wider …
A review of designs and performance of façade-based building integrated photovoltaic-thermal (BIPVT) systems
A façade-based building integrated photovoltaic-thermal (BIPVT) system combines solar
photovoltaics (PV) and solar collectors for integration with building façades to generate …
photovoltaics (PV) and solar collectors for integration with building façades to generate …
Moving towards greener road transportation: A review
Road transportation accounts for about 20% of the total GHG emissions in the EU.
Nowadays, the substitution of conventional fossil fuel-based ICEs with electric engines, or …
Nowadays, the substitution of conventional fossil fuel-based ICEs with electric engines, or …
[HTML][HTML] An agent-based model to simulate technology adoption quantifying behavioural uncertainty of consumers
A good estimation of consumers' expected response to specific policy measures is of
paramount importance in the design of effective schemes for the adoption of new …
paramount importance in the design of effective schemes for the adoption of new …
[HTML][HTML] A review of building-integrated photovoltaics in Singapore: Status, barriers, and prospects
Energy consumption enhancement has resulted in a rise in carbon dioxide emissions,
followed by a notable greenhouse effect contributing to global warming. Globally, buildings …
followed by a notable greenhouse effect contributing to global warming. Globally, buildings …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluating the use of a Net-Metering mechanism in microgrids to reduce power generation costs with a swarm-intelligent algorithm
The micro-generation of electricity arises as a clean and efficient alternative to provide
electrical power. However, the unpredictability of wind and solar radiation poses a challenge …
electrical power. However, the unpredictability of wind and solar radiation poses a challenge …
Automotive and construction applications of fiber reinforced composites
From the beginning of the 21st century, the fiber-reinforced polymer composites (FRPC)
market is growing by 25% per year, where most of the components are applied in the …
market is growing by 25% per year, where most of the components are applied in the …
Design of high transmission color filters for solar cells directed by deep Q-learning
In this paper, we have used deep Q-learning networks (DQN) to find a colored coating for
solar cells with high transmission. A basic structure with a huge range of possibilities was …
solar cells with high transmission. A basic structure with a huge range of possibilities was …
Transitioning to building integration of photovoltaics and greenery (BIPVGREEN): case studies up-scaling from cities informal settlements
To achieve the objectives of COP28 for transitioning away from fossil fuels and phasing
these out, both natural and technological solutions are essential, necessitating a step …
these out, both natural and technological solutions are essential, necessitating a step …
[HTML][HTML] PV roofs as the first step towards 100% RES electricity production for Mediterranean islands: The case of Cyprus
The challenge of integration of large scale RES to islands seems infeasible when the
islands have isolated energy systems without primary fuel sources, with limited sources of …
islands have isolated energy systems without primary fuel sources, with limited sources of …