How do primary school English textbooks teach moral values? A critical discourse analysis

D Puspitasari, HP Widodo, L Widyaningrum… - Studies in Educational …, 2021 - Elsevier
In recent decades, there has been a growing interest in the integration of moral values into
language textbooks. This study aims to examine the inclusion of moral values in primary …

Gender inequality represented in English textbooks: A literature review

LSN Mihira, NKA Suwastini, NN Artini… - Jurnal Ilmu Sosial …, 2021 -
Ideologies are contested through discourses; thus, textbooks can be a fertile ground for
implanting the prevalence of women's marginalization in society, or they can also be used …

Gender construction in the Indonesian government-distributed English textbook: Combining critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics

Suwarno, S Triyono, Ashadi, W Sahayu - Sexuality & Culture, 2021 - Springer
Many studies on gender in English language textbooks have been much reported under the
umbrella of critical discourse studies. However, a few critical discourse studies have …

Representation of Gendered Language in English Textbook for Indonesian Junior High School.

NKA Suwastini, P Wiraningsih, KEK Adnyani - International Journal of …, 2023 - ERIC
As gender constructs could be disseminated through language, English textbooks could be
a fertile arena to maintain or deconstruct traditional gender constructs. Since seventh grade …

The portrayal of women in Arabic textbooks for non-Arabic speakers

Izzuddin, RP Dalimunthe, S Susilo - SAGE Open, 2021 -
The portrayal of gender in a textbook is able to influence students' understanding of the
concept of gender equality (GE). The unfair portrayal of women in textbooks will have a …

The portrayal of women in Indonesian national physics textbooks: A textual analysis

S Gumilar, D Hadianto, IF Amalia… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
There are many studies related to gender representation in science textbooks. However,
less attention has been paid to the ways in which physics textbooks portray women: how …

Gender Representation in EFL/ESL Textbooks in Indonesia: A Literature Review

P Nurwahyuningsih, N Nurianti… - ELS Journal on …, 2023 -
Gender studies on language education have been a concerning topic among scholars. It
has been encouraged through some interest in international organizations and Indonesia's …

Occupational gender stereotypes in Indonesian secondary school English language textbooks

S Rohmawati, KA Putra - Voices of English Language …, 2022 -
This discourse study seeks to examine occupational gender stereotypes in two textbooks of
secondary English language textbooks published in Indonesia. Occupational gender …

Gender representation in government-endorsed Arabic language textbooks: Insights from Indonesia

S Kuraedah, F Gunawan, S Alam, MF Ubaidillah… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
Much research on textbook analysis has looked at diverse perspectives nested by the
textbook authors, including gender equality. Although a growing body of research on gender …

Gender representation in the textbook for vocational school students in the Indonesian EFL settings

MS Yanti, Y Wirza - ELT Forum: Journal of English Language …, 2022 -
A textbook is expected to cover all of the teaching necessities as well as educational values
contained in the curriculum. Conversely, many scholars or researchers in the study of …