Localization landscape for interacting Bose gases in one-dimensional speckle potentials
While the properties and the shape of the ground state of a gas of ultracold bosons are well
understood in harmonic potentials, they remain for a large part unknown in the case of …
understood in harmonic potentials, they remain for a large part unknown in the case of …
Dynamic stability in spinor Bose gases in moiré lattices with square and hexagonal symmetries
C Madroñero, R Paredes - Physical Review A, 2023 - APS
A broad range of phenomena in correlated electrons traveling in moiré lattices has emerged
in both scenarios, experiments and theory. In this paper we report the observation of a …
in both scenarios, experiments and theory. In this paper we report the observation of a …
GPU-accelerated solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation for simulating 2D spinor BECs
As a first approximation beyond linearity, the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE)
reliably describes a broad class of physical systems. Though numerical solutions of this …
reliably describes a broad class of physical systems. Though numerical solutions of this …
[HTML][HTML] Cooper Pairs in 2D Trapped Atoms Interacting Through Finite-Range Potentials
EM Pineda-Ríos, R Paredes - Atoms, 2025 - mdpi.com
This work deals with the key constituent behind the existence of superfluid states in ultracold
fermionic gases confined in a harmonic trap in 2D, namely, the formation of Cooper pairs in …
fermionic gases confined in a harmonic trap in 2D, namely, the formation of Cooper pairs in …
A numerical scheme for the ground state of rotating spin-1 Bose–Einstein condensates
We study the existence of nontrivial solution branches of three-coupled Gross–Pitaevskii
equations (CGPEs), which are used as the mathematical model for rotating spin-1 Bose …
equations (CGPEs), which are used as the mathematical model for rotating spin-1 Bose …
Dimension reduction for Nonlinear Schr\" odinger equations
P Allmer - arxiv preprint arxiv:2311.01586, 2023 - arxiv.org
We discuss mathematical methods to derive Nonlinear Schr\" odinger equations (NLS) in"
low dimensional" settings, ie the 3-dimensional physical space eg to 2 or 1 space …
low dimensional" settings, ie the 3-dimensional physical space eg to 2 or 1 space …
Nonlinear interactions using neutral atomic gases
BD Smith - 2024 - era.library.ualberta.ca
Nonlinearities in quantum systems provide some of the most intriguing physics to be
exploited for quantum technologies and for quantum simulations. In this thesis, we explore …
exploited for quantum technologies and for quantum simulations. In this thesis, we explore …
Fresh look at the effects of gravitational tidal forces on a freely-falling quantum particle
In this paper, we take a closer and new look at the effects of tidal forces on the free fall of a
quantum particle inside a spherically symmetric gravitational field. We derive the …
quantum particle inside a spherically symmetric gravitational field. We derive the …
[HTML][HTML] Intrinsic Decoherence and Recurrences in a Large Ferromagnetic F = 1 Spinor Bose–Einstein Condensate
Decoherence with recurrences appear in the dynamics of the one-body density matrix of an
F= 1 spinor Bose–Einstein condensate, initially prepared in coherent states, in the presence …
F= 1 spinor Bose–Einstein condensate, initially prepared in coherent states, in the presence …
[PDF][PDF] Towards Domain Formation in the Self-Organisation Phase Transition
K Kirchner - 2024 - research-collection.ethz.ch
In this Semester project, we explore the formation of domains in the self-organisation phase
transition. The domains are identifiable by a shift in the density wave by half a transverse …
transition. The domains are identifiable by a shift in the density wave by half a transverse …