Machine learning in nuclear materials research

D Morgan, G Pilania, A Couet, BP Uberuaga… - Current Opinion in Solid …, 2022 - Elsevier
Nuclear materials are often demanded to function for extended time in extreme
environments, including high radiation fluxes with associated transmutations, high …

The development of micromachined gyroscope structure and circuitry technology

D ** diamond waveguide
H Clevenson, ME Trusheim, C Teale, T Schröder… - Nature Physics, 2015 -
Solid-state quantum sensors are attracting wide interest because of their sensitivity at room
temperature. In particular, the spin properties of individual nitrogen–vacancy (NV) colour …

Mechanical spin control of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond

ER MacQuarrie, TA Gosavi, NR Jungwirth, SA Bhave… - Physical review …, 2013 - APS
We demonstrate direct coupling between phonons and diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV)
center spins by driving spin transitions with mechanically generated harmonic strain at room …

Imaging the local charge environment of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond

T Mittiga, S Hsieh, C Zu, B Kobrin, F Machado… - Physical review …, 2018 - APS
Characterizing the local internal environment surrounding solid-state spin defects is crucial
to harnessing them as nanoscale sensors of external fields. This is especially germane to …

Nuclear spin gyroscope based on the nitrogen vacancy center in diamond

VV Soshenko, SV Bolshedvorskii, O Rubinas… - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
A rotation sensor is one of the key elements of inertial navigation systems and compliments
most cell phone sensor sets used for various applications. Currently, inexpensive and …

Demonstration of diamond nuclear spin gyroscope

A Jarmola, S Lourette, VM Acosta, AG Birdwell… - Science …, 2021 -
We demonstrate the operation of a rotation sensor based on the nitrogen-14 (14N) nuclear
spins intrinsic to nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers in diamond. The sensor uses optical …