Analysis, origin and significance of mineral matter in coal: An updated review

CR Ward - International Journal of Coal Geology, 2016 - Elsevier
The material classed as “mineral matter” in coal embraces crystalline mineral materials as
well as a range of inorganic elements that occur in non-crystalline form. This review outlines …

A review on the possible factors influencing soil inorganic carbon under elevated CO2

J Ferdush, V Paul - Catena, 2021 - Elsevier
Soil inorganic carbon (SIC) is the largest pool (≈ 950 Pg of soil carbonate+ 1404 Pg of
bicarbonate in groundwater; ie, 1 Pg= 10 15 g= 1 gigaton) of the global carbon cycle at a …

Calcium-mediated stabilisation of soil organic carbon

MC Rowley, S Grand, ÉP Verrecchia - Biogeochemistry, 2018 - Springer
Soils play an essential role in the global cycling of carbon and understanding the
stabilisation mechanisms behind the preservation of soil organic carbon (SOC) pools is of …

Calcium carbonate features

N Durand, HC Monger, MG Canti… - … features of soils and …, 2018 - Elsevier
The precipitation of calcium carbonate is widespread in soils and regoliths and common
under different environmental settings, especially in soils of arid environments. This topic is …

[KNJIGA][B] A visual atlas for soil micromorphologists

EP Verrecchia, L Trombino - 2021 -
Intro--Foreword--Acknowledgements--Introduction to the Atlas--Contents--About the Authors--
1 Observation of Soils: From the Field to the Microscope--File 1: The Multiscalar Nature of …

Dynamics of soil organic matter based on new Rock-Eval indices

D Sebag, EP Verrecchia, L Cécillon, T Adatte… - Geoderma, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper aims to develop a new approach to interpret soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics
from Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Rock-Eval standard parameters (TpS2, HI, OI) are limited when …

Bacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) mediate CaCO3 morphology and polymorphism

J Tourney, BT Ngwenya - Chemical Geology, 2009 - Elsevier
The effect of bacterial extracellular polymers (EPS) on calcium carbonate morphology and
polymorphism was investigated by means of free-drift mineralisation experiments …

Micro-and nano-environments of carbon sequestration: Multi-element STXM–NEXAFS spectromicroscopy assessment of microbial carbon and mineral associations

D Solomon, J Lehmann, J Harden, J Wang, J Kinyangi… - Chemical geology, 2012 - Elsevier
Soil represents the largest reservoir of terrestrial organic C, and plays a critical role in global
C cycling. In light of predicted climate change and a more unified approach to mitigate …

Exploiting the fungal highway: development of a novel tool for the in situ isolation of bacteria migrating along fungal mycelium

A Simon, S Bindschedler, D Job, LY Wick… - FEMS microbiology …, 2015 -
Fungi and bacteria form various associations that are central to numerous environmental
processes. In the so-called fungal highway, bacteria disperse along fungal mycelium. We …

[HTML][HTML] A cascading influence of calcium carbonate on the biogeochemistry and pedogenic trajectories of subalpine soils, Switzerland

MC Rowley, S Grand, T Adatte, EP Verrecchia - Geoderma, 2020 - Elsevier
Soil research in temperate to cool and humid regions has typically focused on acidic soils;
there has been relatively little investigation of the effects of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) on …