Map** the landscape of creativity support tools in HCI
Creativity Support Tools (CSTs) play a fundamental role in the study of creativity in Human-
Computer Interaction (HCI). Even so, there is no consensus definition of the term'CST'in HCI …
Computer Interaction (HCI). Even so, there is no consensus definition of the term'CST'in HCI …
Twenty years of creativity research in human-computer interaction: Current state and future directions
Creativity has been a growing topic in the ACM community since the 1990s; however, no
clear overview of this trend has been offered. We present a thorough survey of 998 creativity …
clear overview of this trend has been offered. We present a thorough survey of 998 creativity …
Homogenization effects of large language models on human creative ideation
Large language models (LLMs) are now being used in a wide variety of contexts, including
as creativity support tools (CSTs) intended to help their users come up with new ideas. But …
as creativity support tools (CSTs) intended to help their users come up with new ideas. But …
PopBlends: Strategies for conceptual blending with large language models
Pop culture is an important aspect of communication. On social media people often post pop
culture reference images that connect an event, product or other entity to a pop culture …
culture reference images that connect an event, product or other entity to a pop culture …
Examining crowd work and gig work through the historical lens of piecework
The internet is empowering the rise of crowd work, gig work, and other forms of on-demand
labor. A large and growing body of scholarship has attempted to predict the socio-technical …
labor. A large and growing body of scholarship has attempted to predict the socio-technical …
Fluid transformers and creative analogies: Exploring large language models' capacity for augmenting cross-domain analogical creativity
Cross-domain analogical reasoning is a core creative ability that can be challenging for
humans. Recent work has shown some proofs-of-concept of Large language Models'(LLMs) …
humans. Recent work has shown some proofs-of-concept of Large language Models'(LLMs) …
Flock: Hybrid crowd-machine learning classifiers
We present hybrid crowd-machine learning classifiers: classification models that start with a
written description of a learning goal, use the crowd to suggest predictive features and label …
written description of a learning goal, use the crowd to suggest predictive features and label …
Scaling up analogical innovation with crowds and AI
Analogy—the ability to find and apply deep structural patterns across domains—has been
fundamental to human innovation in science and technology. Today there is a growing …
fundamental to human innovation in science and technology. Today there is a growing …
Toward collaborative ideation at scale: Leveraging ideas from others to generate more creative and diverse ideas
A growing number of large collaborative idea generation platforms promise that by
generating ideas together, people can create better ideas than any would have alone. But …
generating ideas together, people can create better ideas than any would have alone. But …
IdeaHound: improving large-scale collaborative ideation with crowd-powered real-time semantic modeling
Prior work on creativity support tools demonstrates how a computational semantic model of
a solution space can enable interventions that substantially improve the number, quality and …
a solution space can enable interventions that substantially improve the number, quality and …