[KNIHA][B] The politics of the arts in Britain
C Gray - 2000 - Springer
Such a wide-ranging definition might lead to the conclusion that it is actually easier to define
what the arts are not, given that it covers such a range of activities. However, it is clear that …
what the arts are not, given that it covers such a range of activities. However, it is clear that …
Evaluating the efficiency of museums using multiple outputs: evidence from a regional system of museums in Spain
MJ del Barrio, LC Herrero - International journal of cultural Policy, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Data Envelopment Analysis is used to evaluate museum efficiency. This approach enables
us to create a relative efficiency measure for each museum, taking into account resources …
us to create a relative efficiency measure for each museum, taking into account resources …
[PDF][PDF] Is museum performance affected by location and institution type? Measuring cultural institution efficiency through non-parametric techniques
LC Herrero-Prieto - Institute for international integration studies working …, 2013 - tcd.ie
The goal of the present work is to evaluate the efficiency of a regional system of museums,
taken as an example of cultural institutions. We also explore the impact which certain …
taken as an example of cultural institutions. We also explore the impact which certain …
[KNIHA][B] The Heritage Lottery Fund and its role in the construction and preservation of the past: 1994–2016
V Tandy - 2019 - search.proquest.com
This thesis examines the operation and governance of the Heritage Lottery Fund and
scrutinises its role in managing how the past is used and valued in the present. My purpose …
scrutinises its role in managing how the past is used and valued in the present. My purpose …
Made to measure? Public art value measurement strategies and their impact on local government arts policy and planning in England and Aotearoa New Zealand
R King-Wall - 2024 - etheses.whiterose.ac.uk
This research examines the use of value measurement tools and their impact on public art
policy and activity in councils across Aotearoa and England between 2010 and 2022. It …
policy and activity in councils across Aotearoa and England between 2010 and 2022. It …
Chi ha paura delle Regioni? Valori, interessi e regole
M Trimarchi - Economia della cultura, 2006 - rivisteweb.it
La teoria economica del decentramento appare diretta e univoca: se la fornitura di un
servizio incontra una domanda eterogenea tra diverse giurisdizioni, è opportuno decentrare …
servizio incontra una domanda eterogenea tra diverse giurisdizioni, è opportuno decentrare …
Changing countries: Russian artists in the United States
VD Alexander, M Rueschemeyer… - Art and the State: The …, 2005 - Springer
In the preceding chapters, we focused on artists working in different political and economic
systems. Significant differences in the art worlds of the United States, Britain, and …
systems. Significant differences in the art worlds of the United States, Britain, and …
MJ del BARRIO TELLADO, LCH PRIETO - xviiencuentroaeca.ipb.pt
The aim of this work is to evaluate the efficiency and best practices of the Spanish national
network of museums. A non-parametric approach, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), is …
network of museums. A non-parametric approach, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), is …
Un nuovo periodico di studi danteschi.
E Malato - Rivista di studi danteschi, 2001 - rivisteweb.it
La teoria economica del decentramento appare diretta e univoca: se la fornitura di un
servizio incontra una domanda eterogenea tra diverse giurisdizioni, è opportuno decentrare …
servizio incontra una domanda eterogenea tra diverse giurisdizioni, è opportuno decentrare …