Predation in the marine fossil record: studies, data, recognition, environmental factors, and behavior
The fossil record is the primary source of data used to study predator-prey interactions in
deep time and to evaluate key questions regarding the evolutionary and ecological …
deep time and to evaluate key questions regarding the evolutionary and ecological …
The evolution of lamprey (Petromyzontida) life history and the origin of metamorphosis
Modern lampreys (Petromyzontiformes) are one of two lineages of surviving jawless fishes
(agnathans), and are thus of critical importance to understanding the evolution of the …
(agnathans), and are thus of critical importance to understanding the evolution of the …
Trophic structure and food resources of epipelagic and mesopelagic fishes in the N orth P acific S ubtropical G yre ecosystem inferred from nitrogen isotopic …
We used bulk tissue δ13C and δ15N values and δ15N values of individual amino acids (AA)
to characterize the trophic structure of a pelagic fish assemblage from the North Pacific …
to characterize the trophic structure of a pelagic fish assemblage from the North Pacific …
Faunal activity rhythms influencing early community succession of an implanted whale carcass offshore Sagami Bay, Japan
Benthic community succession patterns at whale falls have been previously established by
means of punctual submersible and ROV observations. The contribution of faunal activity …
means of punctual submersible and ROV observations. The contribution of faunal activity …
Vertebrate origins are informed by larval lampreys (ammocoetes): a response to Miyashita et al., 2021
J Mallatt - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2023 - academic.oup.com
This paper addresses a recent claim by Miyashita and co-authors that the filter-feeding larval
lamprey is a new evolutionary addition to the lamprey life-cycle and does not provide …
lamprey is a new evolutionary addition to the lamprey life-cycle and does not provide …
Influences of ocean currents on the diets of demersal fish communities in the western North Pacific revealed by their muscle carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions
To study the influence of different ocean currents on the trophic spectra found in a sympatric
fish community, we analyzed the radiocarbon contents (Δ 14C) and stable carbon (δ13C) …
fish community, we analyzed the radiocarbon contents (Δ 14C) and stable carbon (δ13C) …
Integrating isotopic and nutritional niches reveals multiple dimensions of individual diet specialisation in a marine apex predator
Dietary specialisations are important determinants of ecological structure, particularly in
species with high per‐capita trophic influence like marine apex predators. These species …
species with high per‐capita trophic influence like marine apex predators. These species …
Stomach content and stable isotope analyses reveal resource partitioning between juvenile bluefin tuna and Atlantic bonito in Alboran (SW Mediterranean)
Abstract The Alboran Sea holds one of the highest biological productivity rates in the
Mediterranean, and thus represents an important nursing area for pelagic fishes including …
Mediterranean, and thus represents an important nursing area for pelagic fishes including …
The somatic genome of Eptatretus okinoseanus reveals the adaptation to deep-sea oligotrophic environment
Background Hagfishes are fascinating creatures that typically inhabit the deep sea. The
deep sea is characterized by its lack of sunlight, primary productivity, and diminishing …
deep sea is characterized by its lack of sunlight, primary productivity, and diminishing …
High-frequency patterns in the abundance of benthic species near a cold-seep–An Internet Operated Vehicle application
Three benthic megafaunal species (ie sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria; pacific hagfish
Eptatretus stoutii and a group of juvenile crabs) were tested for diel behavioral patterns at …
Eptatretus stoutii and a group of juvenile crabs) were tested for diel behavioral patterns at …