Distribution and predictors of wing shape and size variability in three sister species of solitary bees
Morphological traits can be highly variable over time in a particular geographical area.
Different selective pressures shape those traits, which is crucial in evolutionary biology …
Different selective pressures shape those traits, which is crucial in evolutionary biology …
Monitoring bee health in European agroecosystems using wing morphology and fat bodies
Current global change substantially threatens pollinators, which directly impacts the
pollination services underpinning the stability, structure and functioning of ecosystems …
pollination services underpinning the stability, structure and functioning of ecosystems …
The effects of latitude, body size, and sexual selection on wing shape in a damselfly
Under natural selection, wing shape is expected to evolve to optimize flight performance.
However, other selective factors besides flight performance may influence wing shape. One …
However, other selective factors besides flight performance may influence wing shape. One …
The use of geometric morphometrics in studying butterfly wings in an evolutionary ecological context
In order to quantify shape variation, many powerful, free, easy-to-use and dedicated
software packages have been developed that quickly digitize and/or analyse landmark data …
software packages have been developed that quickly digitize and/or analyse landmark data …
Negative frequency-dependent selection or alternative reproductive tactics: maintenance of female polymorphism in natural populations
Background Sex-limited polymorphisms have long intrigued evolutionary biologists and
have been the subject of long-standing debates. The coexistence of multiple male and/or …
have been the subject of long-standing debates. The coexistence of multiple male and/or …
Shape analysis of odontocete mandibles: functional and evolutionary implications
C Barroso, TW Cranford, A Berta - Journal of Morphology, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Odontocete mandibles serve multiple functions, including feeding and hearing. We consider
that these two major functions have their primary influence in different parts of the …
that these two major functions have their primary influence in different parts of the …
Frequency-dependent variation in mimetic fidelity in an intraspecific mimicry system
Contemporary theory predicts that the degree of mimetic similarity of mimics towards their
model should increase as the mimic/model ratio increases. Thus, when the mimic/model …
model should increase as the mimic/model ratio increases. Thus, when the mimic/model …
The Size But not the Symmetry of the Wings of Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier (Apidae: Euglossini) is Affected by Human-Disturbed Landscapes in the Brazilian Cerrado …
Among other human-related activities, habitat loss and fragmentation are currently ranked
as the most important environmental features affecting the persistence of animal and plant …
as the most important environmental features affecting the persistence of animal and plant …
Study design and mark-recapture estimates of dispersal: a case study with the endangered damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale
Accurate data on dispersal ability are vital to the understanding of how species are affected
by fragmented landscapes. However, three factors may limit the ability of field studies to …
by fragmented landscapes. However, three factors may limit the ability of field studies to …
Hind Wing Shape Evolves Faster than Front Wing Shape in Calopteryx Damselflies
Wing shape has been shown in a variety of species to be influenced by natural and sexual
selection. In damselflies, front-and hind wings can beat independently, and functional …
selection. In damselflies, front-and hind wings can beat independently, and functional …