Agriculture is the main driver of deforestation in Tanzania

N Doggart, T Morgan-Brown, E Lyimo… - Environmental …, 2020 -
Reducing deforestation can generate multiple economic, social and ecological benefits by
safeguarding the climate and other ecosystem services provided by forests. Understanding …

[HTML][HTML] Floristic Diversity and Natural Regeneration of Miombo Woodlands in the Rural Area of Lubumbashi, DR Congo

DN Nghonda, HK Muteya, W Salomon… - Diversity, 2024 -
Increased anthropogenic pressure on forest resources leads to deforestation and forest
degradation, significantly limiting the regeneration capacity of native woody species and …

Excessive livestock grazing overrides the positive effects of trees on infiltration capacity and modifies preferential flow in dry miombo woodlands

L Lulandala, A Bargués‐Tobella… - Land Degradation & …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The increase in livestock grazing in African drylands such as miombo woodlands threatens
land productivity and ecosystem functioning. Trees have positive effects on soil hydraulic …

[HTML][HTML] Regeneration and restoration status of Miombo woodland following land use land cover changes at the buffer zone of gile national park, Central Mozambique

LG Ameja, N Ribeiro, AA Sitoe, B Guillot - Trees, Forests and People, 2022 - Elsevier
In the context of the current intensified disturbances of Miombo woodland, its regenerating
capacity is fundamental to endure such disturbances. Miombo woodland in the buffer zone …

[PDF][PDF] Ecological effects of cattle grazing on Miombo tree species regeneration and diversity in Central-Eastern Tanzania

JR Mtimbanjayo, AZ Sangeda - Journal of Environmental Research, 2018 -
The inspiration of this study is to determine the effects of cattle grazing on tree species
composition and regeneration in Miombo ecosystem of Eastern Tanzania. The study was …

[HTML][HTML] The size of clearings for charcoal production in miombo woodlands affects soil hydrological properties and soil organic carbon

L Lulandala, A Bargués-Tobella, CA Masao… - Forest Ecology and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Charcoal production is a major driver of forest degradation in miombo woodlands. Forests
play a crucial role in regulating the hydrological cycle, so it is critical to understand how …

[PDF][PDF] The regeneration dynamics of Miombo tree species in Sub-Saharan Africa

GS Matowo, AZ Sangeda, JZ Katani - 2019 -
Miombo woodlands support livelihoods of more than 100 million rural and urban dwellers by
providing them with a wide range of products and services. Concurrently, Miombo shelters …

[PDF][PDF] La végétation naturelle d'Élisabethville (actuellement Lubumbashi) au début et au milieu du X**ème siècle

F Malaisse, J Bogaert, S Boisson… - Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue …, 2021 -
Après avoir introduit la pertinence de la pénurie d'informations disponibles concernant
l'époque de la création de la ville d'Elisabethville, un premier thème est abordé. Il consiste à …

Imprint of selective logging on seed regeneration of Brachystegia spiciformis Benth. in dry miombo woodland in Zimbabwe

D Mlambo, M Kumar - South African Journal of Botany, 2024 - Elsevier
Woodlands that have been affected by selective logging are ubiquitous in southern Africa
but how this harvesting practice impacts seed regeneration of dominant tree species …

Investigation of current threats to the existence of Brackenridgea zanguebarica in a small geographic area in Vhembe, Limpopo Province, South Africa

MAP Tiawoun, MP Tshisikhawe, ET Gwata - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2019 -
Tiawoun MAP, Tshisikhawe MP, Gwata ET. 2019. Geometric morphometry of pupae to
identify four medically important flies (Order: Diptera) in Thailand. Biodiversitas 20: 1504 …