Agriculture is the main driver of deforestation in Tanzania
N Doggart, T Morgan-Brown, E Lyimo… - Environmental …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Reducing deforestation can generate multiple economic, social and ecological benefits by
safeguarding the climate and other ecosystem services provided by forests. Understanding …
safeguarding the climate and other ecosystem services provided by forests. Understanding …
[HTML][HTML] Floristic Diversity and Natural Regeneration of Miombo Woodlands in the Rural Area of Lubumbashi, DR Congo
DN Nghonda, HK Muteya, W Salomon… - Diversity, 2024 - mdpi.com
Increased anthropogenic pressure on forest resources leads to deforestation and forest
degradation, significantly limiting the regeneration capacity of native woody species and …
degradation, significantly limiting the regeneration capacity of native woody species and …
Excessive livestock grazing overrides the positive effects of trees on infiltration capacity and modifies preferential flow in dry miombo woodlands
The increase in livestock grazing in African drylands such as miombo woodlands threatens
land productivity and ecosystem functioning. Trees have positive effects on soil hydraulic …
land productivity and ecosystem functioning. Trees have positive effects on soil hydraulic …
[HTML][HTML] Regeneration and restoration status of Miombo woodland following land use land cover changes at the buffer zone of gile national park, Central Mozambique
In the context of the current intensified disturbances of Miombo woodland, its regenerating
capacity is fundamental to endure such disturbances. Miombo woodland in the buffer zone …
capacity is fundamental to endure such disturbances. Miombo woodland in the buffer zone …
[PDF][PDF] Ecological effects of cattle grazing on Miombo tree species regeneration and diversity in Central-Eastern Tanzania
JR Mtimbanjayo, AZ Sangeda - Journal of Environmental Research, 2018 - academia.edu
The inspiration of this study is to determine the effects of cattle grazing on tree species
composition and regeneration in Miombo ecosystem of Eastern Tanzania. The study was …
composition and regeneration in Miombo ecosystem of Eastern Tanzania. The study was …
[HTML][HTML] The size of clearings for charcoal production in miombo woodlands affects soil hydrological properties and soil organic carbon
Charcoal production is a major driver of forest degradation in miombo woodlands. Forests
play a crucial role in regulating the hydrological cycle, so it is critical to understand how …
play a crucial role in regulating the hydrological cycle, so it is critical to understand how …
[PDF][PDF] The regeneration dynamics of Miombo tree species in Sub-Saharan Africa
GS Matowo, AZ Sangeda, JZ Katani - 2019 - researchgate.net
Miombo woodlands support livelihoods of more than 100 million rural and urban dwellers by
providing them with a wide range of products and services. Concurrently, Miombo shelters …
providing them with a wide range of products and services. Concurrently, Miombo shelters …
[PDF][PDF] La végétation naturelle d'Élisabethville (actuellement Lubumbashi) au début et au milieu du X**ème siècle
Après avoir introduit la pertinence de la pénurie d'informations disponibles concernant
l'époque de la création de la ville d'Elisabethville, un premier thème est abordé. Il consiste à …
l'époque de la création de la ville d'Elisabethville, un premier thème est abordé. Il consiste à …
Imprint of selective logging on seed regeneration of Brachystegia spiciformis Benth. in dry miombo woodland in Zimbabwe
D Mlambo, M Kumar - South African Journal of Botany, 2024 - Elsevier
Woodlands that have been affected by selective logging are ubiquitous in southern Africa
but how this harvesting practice impacts seed regeneration of dominant tree species …
but how this harvesting practice impacts seed regeneration of dominant tree species …
Investigation of current threats to the existence of Brackenridgea zanguebarica in a small geographic area in Vhembe, Limpopo Province, South Africa
MAP Tiawoun, MP Tshisikhawe, ET Gwata - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2019 - smujo.id
Tiawoun MAP, Tshisikhawe MP, Gwata ET. 2019. Geometric morphometry of pupae to
identify four medically important flies (Order: Diptera) in Thailand. Biodiversitas 20: 1504 …
identify four medically important flies (Order: Diptera) in Thailand. Biodiversitas 20: 1504 …