Vision-based excavator pose estimation for automatic control
G Liu, Q Wang, T Wang, B Li, X ** - Automation in Construction, 2024 - Elsevier
Hydraulic excavators, widely employed in harsh environments, have garnered increased
attention in recent years from manufacturers and researchers for automatic operation …
attention in recent years from manufacturers and researchers for automatic operation …
A review of technologies and applications for smart construction
M Štefanič, V Stankovski - Proceedings of the Institution of Civil …, 2018 - icevirtuallibrary.com
The internet of things, artificial intelligence and cloud computing offer new opportunities for
smart applications in many industries. Potential benefits include improvements of industrial …
smart applications in many industries. Potential benefits include improvements of industrial …
Detecting construction equipment using a region-based fully convolutional network and transfer learning
For proper construction site management and plan revisions during construction, it is
necessary to understand a construction site's status in real time. Many vision-based …
necessary to understand a construction site's status in real time. Many vision-based …
Trust management in a blockchain based fog computing platform with trustless smart oracles
Trust is a crucial aspect when cyber-physical systems have to rely on resources and
services under ownership of various entities, such as in the case of Edge, Fog and Cloud …
services under ownership of various entities, such as in the case of Edge, Fog and Cloud …
End-to-end vision-based detection, tracking and activity analysis of earthmoving equipment filmed at ground level
D Roberts, M Golparvar-Fard - Automation in Construction, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper presents a new benchmark dataset for validating vision-based methods that
automatically identifies visually distinctive working activities of excavators and dump trucks …
automatically identifies visually distinctive working activities of excavators and dump trucks …
Full body pose estimation of construction equipment using computer vision and deep learning techniques
Construction sites are among the most hazardous places with various safety issues. The
high rate of hazards on construction sites can be attributed to the dynamic and complex …
high rate of hazards on construction sites can be attributed to the dynamic and complex …
Automatic assembly of prefabricated components based on vision-guided robot
C Liu, J Wu, X Jiang, Y Gu, L **e, Z Huang - Automation in Construction, 2024 - Elsevier
On-site assembly of prefabricated components is crucial for the construction efficiency and
quality of prefabricated buildings. In this process, a prefabricated component is first lifted and …
quality of prefabricated buildings. In this process, a prefabricated component is first lifted and …
Excavator 3D pose estimation using deep learning and hybrid datasets
Earthwork operations are crucial parts of most construction projects. Heavy construction
equipment and workers are often required to work in limited workspaces simultaneously …
equipment and workers are often required to work in limited workspaces simultaneously …
Vision-based excavator pose estimation using synthetically generated datasets with domain randomization
The ability to monitor and track the interactions between construction equipment and
workers can lead to creating a safer and more productive work environment. Most recent …
workers can lead to creating a safer and more productive work environment. Most recent …
Vision-based construction worker activity analysis informed by body posture
Activity analysis of construction resources is generally performed by manually observing
construction operations either in person or through recorded videos. It is thus prone to …
construction operations either in person or through recorded videos. It is thus prone to …