[หนังสือ][B] Digital rhetoric: Theory, method, practice

D Eyman - 2015 - library.oapen.org
A survey of a range of disciplines whose practitioners are venturing into the new field of
digital rhetoric, examining the history of the ways digital and networked technologies inhabit …

Applications of rhetorical structure theory

M Taboada, WC Mann - Discourse studies, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) is a theory of text organization that has led to areas of
application beyond discourse analysis and text generation, its original goals. In this article …

Dissecting emotion and user influence in social media communities: An interaction modeling approach

W Chung, D Zeng - Information & Management, 2020 - Elsevier
Human emotion expressed in social media plays an increasingly important role in sha**
policies and decisions. However, the process by which emotion produces influence in online …

[หนังสือ][B] Argumentation methods for artificial intelligence in law

D Walton - 2005 - books.google.com
During a recent visit to China to give an invited lecture on legal argumentation I was asked a
question about conventional opinion in western countries. If legal r-soning is thought to be …

Recent advances in computational models of natural argument

C Reed, F Grasso - International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
This article reviews recent advances in the interdisciplinary area lying between artificial
intelligence and the theory of argumentation. The article has two distinct foci: first, examining …

Rhetorical figures, arguments, computation

RA Harris, C Di Marco - Argument & Computation, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Note: Rhetoric has an extensive technical vocabulary. In this introduction, we explain these
terms as we go along. The authors of the papers in this special issue do the same. But it can …

An annotation scheme for rhetorical figures

RA Harris, C Di Marco, S Ruan… - Argument & …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
There is a driving need computationally to interrogate large bodies of text for a range of non-
denotative meaning (eg, to plot chains of reasoning, detect sentiment, diagnose genre, and …

Harnessing rhetorical figures for argument mining: A pilot study in relating figures of speech to argument structure

J Lawrence, J Visser, C Reed - Argument & Computation, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
The generalised, automated reconstruction of the reasoning structures underlying
persuasive communication is an enormously challenging task. While this work in argument …

Argumentation theory in formal and computational perspective

FH Van Eemeren, B Verheij - … of Applied Logics—IfCoLog Journal of …, 2017 - research.rug.nl
Abstract Argumentation has been studied since Antiquity. Modern argumentation theory took
inspiration from these classical roots, with Toulmin's' The Uses of Argument'(1958) and …

Machine Time: Unifying Chronos and Kairos in an Era of Ubiquitous Technologies

JR Gallagher - Rhetoric review, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Chronos and kairos are often understood as separate from one another in discussions of
rhetorical temporality. For online and other highly mediated contexts, however, chronos and …