Penetrant-induced plasticization in microporous polymer membranes
Penetrant-induced plasticization has prevented the industrial deployment of many polymers
for membrane-based gas separations. With the advent of microporous polymers, new …
for membrane-based gas separations. With the advent of microporous polymers, new …
Design and synthesis of porous organic polymeric materials from norbornene derivatives
The interest in porous organic materials derived from norbornenes is driven by versatile
chemistry of norbornenes, fine-tunable structure of these polymers, high accessible surface …
chemistry of norbornenes, fine-tunable structure of these polymers, high accessible surface …
Facile and time-efficient carboxylic acid functionalization of PIM-1: effect on molecular packing and gas separation performance
An optimized acid hydrolysis method was developed to yield carboxylic acid-functionalized
PIM-1 (PIM-COOH) with> 89% conversion in 48 h using a postpolymerization reaction of PIM …
PIM-1 (PIM-COOH) with> 89% conversion in 48 h using a postpolymerization reaction of PIM …
Polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs)
Based on cumulative research from the past two decades, this personal perspective defines
the structurally unique features of Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs), which result in a …
the structurally unique features of Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs), which result in a …
Guanidine-Functionalized PIM-1 as a High-Capacity Polymeric Sorbent for CO2 Capture
Polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) are attractive materials for gas adsorption due to
their high surface area and interconnected microporosity. However, the low CO2 affinity of …
their high surface area and interconnected microporosity. However, the low CO2 affinity of …
On the BET surface area of nanocellulose determined using volumetric, gravimetric and chromatographic adsorption methods
Volumetric N2 adsorption at− 196° C is generally accepted as “gold standard” for estimating
the Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET) surface area of nanocellulose. It is unclear however …
the Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET) surface area of nanocellulose. It is unclear however …
Ultrathin polyamide nanofilms with controlled microporosity for enhanced solvent permeation
Organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) technology shows reduced energy consumption by
almost 90% with great potential in achieving low-carbon separation applications. Polyamide …
almost 90% with great potential in achieving low-carbon separation applications. Polyamide …
Temperature effects in flexible adsorption processes for amorphous microporous polymers
A collection of atomistic molecular simulations is reported that illustrate the impact of
adsorption temperature on species uptake and adsorbate-induced structural rearrangement …
adsorption temperature on species uptake and adsorbate-induced structural rearrangement …
110th anniversary: Gas and vapor sorption in glassy polymeric membranes—Critical review of different physical and mathematical models
The analysis and modeling of the sorption behaviors in glassy polymers, of gases and
vapors in particular, is of crucial relevance for a variety of different applications. Due to the …
vapors in particular, is of crucial relevance for a variety of different applications. Due to the …
Zeolite-like performance for xylene isomer purification using polymer-derived carbon membranes
Polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) have been used as precursors for the fabrication
of porous carbon molecular sieve (CMS) membranes. PIM-1, a prototypical PIM material …
of porous carbon molecular sieve (CMS) membranes. PIM-1, a prototypical PIM material …