Organic peroxides in aerosol: key reactive intermediates for multiphase processes in the atmosphere
Organic peroxides (POs) are organic molecules with one or more peroxide (− O–O−)
functional groups. POs are commonly regarded as chemically labile termination products …
functional groups. POs are commonly regarded as chemically labile termination products …
Highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) from gas-phase autoxidation involving peroxy radicals: A key contributor to atmospheric aerosol
Highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) are formed in the atmosphere via autoxidation
involving peroxy radicals arising from volatile organic compounds (VOC). HOM condense on …
involving peroxy radicals arising from volatile organic compounds (VOC). HOM condense on …
Recent advances in understanding secondary organic aerosol: Implications for global climate forcing
Anthropogenic emissions and land use changes have modified atmospheric aerosol
concentrations and size distributions over time. Understanding preindustrial conditions and …
concentrations and size distributions over time. Understanding preindustrial conditions and …
The role of low-volatility organic compounds in initial particle growth in the atmosphere
About half of present-day cloud condensation nuclei originate from atmospheric nucleation,
frequently appearing as a burst of new particles near midday. Atmospheric observations …
frequently appearing as a burst of new particles near midday. Atmospheric observations …
Ion-induced nucleation of pure biogenic particles
Atmospheric aerosols and their effect on clouds are thought to be important for
anthropogenic radiative forcing of the climate, yet remain poorly understood. Globally …
anthropogenic radiative forcing of the climate, yet remain poorly understood. Globally …
Role of sesquiterpenes in biogenic new particle formation
Biogenic vapors form new particles in the atmosphere, affecting global climate. The
contributions of monoterpenes and isoprene to new particle formation (NPF) have been …
contributions of monoterpenes and isoprene to new particle formation (NPF) have been …
Production of extremely low volatile organic compounds from biogenic emissions: Measured yields and atmospheric implications
Oxidation products of monoterpenes and isoprene have a major influence on the global
secondary organic aerosol (SOA) burden and the production of atmospheric nanoparticles …
secondary organic aerosol (SOA) burden and the production of atmospheric nanoparticles …
New particle formation in the free troposphere: A question of chemistry and timing
New particle formation (NPF) is the source of over half of the atmosphere's cloud
condensation nuclei, thus influencing cloud properties and Earth's energy balance. Unlike in …
condensation nuclei, thus influencing cloud properties and Earth's energy balance. Unlike in …
Formation and evolution of molecular products in α-pinene secondary organic aerosol
Much of our understanding of atmospheric secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from
volatile organic compounds derives from laboratory chamber measurements, including …
volatile organic compounds derives from laboratory chamber measurements, including …
Large gas-phase source of esters and other accretion products in the atmosphere
Dimeric accretion products have been observed both in atmospheric aerosol particles and in
the gas phase. With their low volatilities, they are key contributors to the formation of new …
the gas phase. With their low volatilities, they are key contributors to the formation of new …