Influence of swelling behavior on the stability of an infinite unsaturated expansive soil slope
S Qi, SK Vanapalli - Computers and Geotechnics, 2016 - Elsevier
The influence of the stress regime change and associated softening can be significant on
unsaturated expansive soil slope stability due to soil swelling upon wetting, which cannot be …
unsaturated expansive soil slope stability due to soil swelling upon wetting, which cannot be …
Depth averaged models for fast landslide propagation: mathematical, rheological and numerical aspects
M Pastor, T Blanc, B Haddad, V Drempetic… - … Methods in Engineering, 2015 - Springer
This paper presents an overview of depth averaged modelling of fast catastrophic landslides
where coupling of solid skeleton and pore fluid (air and water) is important. The first goal is …
where coupling of solid skeleton and pore fluid (air and water) is important. The first goal is …
Mathematical modelling of the mechanical response of geosynthetic‐reinforced and pile‐supported embankments
Piled foundations are commonly employed to reduce settlements in artificial earth
embankments founded on soft soil strata. To limit the number of piles and, consequently …
embankments founded on soft soil strata. To limit the number of piles and, consequently …
Numerical analysis of an expansive subgrade slope subjected to rainfall infiltration
Z Guo, Z Zhao - Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021 - Springer
A numerical simulation approach fully considered the processes of unsaturated seepage
and wetting-induced swelling of unsaturated expansive soil subjected to rainfall infiltration …
and wetting-induced swelling of unsaturated expansive soil subjected to rainfall infiltration …
Geosynthetic-reinforced and pile-supported embankments: theoretical discussion of finite difference numerical analyses results
Piled foundations are commonly employed to reduce settlements of artificial earth
embankments on soft soil strata and geosynthetic reinforcements are installed at the …
embankments on soft soil strata and geosynthetic reinforcements are installed at the …
Simulating stiffness degradation and dam** in soils via a simple visco-elastic–plastic model
Stiffness degradation and dam** represent some of the most well-known aspects of cyclic
soil behavior. While standard equivalent linear approaches reproduce these features by …
soil behavior. While standard equivalent linear approaches reproduce these features by …
A viscoplastic approach to the behaviour of fluidized geomaterials with application to fast landslides
M Pastor, M Martin Stickle, P Dutto, P Mira… - Continuum Mechanics …, 2015 - Springer
This paper deals with modelling of landslide propagation. Its purpose is to present a
methodology of analysis based on mathematical, constitutive and numerical modelling …
methodology of analysis based on mathematical, constitutive and numerical modelling …
Simulating hydraulic and mechanical responses of unsaturated expansive soil slope to rainfall: Case study
This paper presents simulation results of the performance of an unsaturated expansive soil
slope during artificial rainfall events from a field investigation. The field study, conducted on …
slope during artificial rainfall events from a field investigation. The field study, conducted on …
Application of a new rheological model to rock avalanches: an SPH approach
D Manzanal, V Drempetic, B Haddad, M Pastor… - Rock Mechanics and …, 2016 - Springer
Rock avalanches move large volumes of material causing a highly destructive power over
large areas. In these events, it is possible to monitor the evolution of slopes but failure …
large areas. In these events, it is possible to monitor the evolution of slopes but failure …
From solid to granular gases: the steady state for granular materials
This paper aims at extending the well‐known critical state concept, associated with quasi‐
static conditions, by accounting for the role played by the strain rate when focusing on the …
static conditions, by accounting for the role played by the strain rate when focusing on the …