Making, hacking, coding: Fablabs as intermediary platforms for modes of social manufacturing
Making, Hacking, Coding: Fablabs as Intermediary Platforms for Modes of Social Manufacturing
| Cairn.info Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion Aucune suggestion …
| Cairn.info Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion Cairn.info, Matières à réflexion Aucune suggestion …
Проєктування освітнього середовища з використанням засобів доповненої та віртуальної реальностей в закладах загальної середньої освіти
СГ Литвинова, НВ Сороко, СВ Баценко… - 2023 - lib.iitta.gov.ua
У монографії представлено результати колективного дослідження проблем
проєктування навчального середовища з використанням засобів доповненої та …
проєктування навчального середовища з використанням засобів доповненої та …
Industry 4.0 and the quality of work in manufacturing
To varying degrees, digital transformation is being experienced within and across
organisations in contemporary societies. Vial (2019: 121) defines it as 'a process that aims to …
organisations in contemporary societies. Vial (2019: 121) defines it as 'a process that aims to …
Digital Fabrication and How It Affects the Future of Indonesian Construction World
Abstract the rapid advancement of technology in the field of industry is changing the
construction world, and it comes in different forms, one of which is digital fabrication …
construction world, and it comes in different forms, one of which is digital fabrication …
Connection Making: analogue-digital synapsis between fabrication hubs
The paper intends to apply the emerging theories on network science to the production
chain of contemporary society, hyper-globalized and hyperconnected, to provide an …
chain of contemporary society, hyper-globalized and hyperconnected, to provide an …
The paper intends to apply the emerging theories on network science to the production
chain of contemporary society, hyper-globalized and hyperconnected, to provide an …
chain of contemporary society, hyper-globalized and hyperconnected, to provide an …
[PDF][PDF] Industry 4.0 And Work Organisation: An Investigation of Employer And Employee Perspectives On Technologies, Skills, And Work Practices
A Adeniji - 2021 - researchspace.auckland.ac.nz
Digitalisation of manufacturing through Industry 4.0 has been predicted to radically transform
the way work is organised and experienced. As critical as this issue is, most research on the …
the way work is organised and experienced. As critical as this issue is, most research on the …