Making, hacking, coding: Fablabs as intermediary platforms for modes of social manufacturing

C Garnier, I Capdevila - Journal of Innovation Economics & …, 2023‏ -
Making, Hacking, Coding: Fablabs as Intermediary Platforms for Modes of Social Manufacturing
|, Matières à réflexion, Matières à réflexion Aucune suggestion …

Проєктування освітнього середовища з використанням засобів доповненої та віртуальної реальностей в закладах загальної середньої освіти

СГ Литвинова, НВ Сороко, СВ Баценко… - 2023‏ -
У монографії представлено результати колективного дослідження проблем
проєктування навчального середовища з використанням засобів доповненої та …

Industry 4.0 and the quality of work in manufacturing

A Adeniji, P Boxall - A Research Agenda for Work and Employment, 2024‏ -
To varying degrees, digital transformation is being experienced within and across
organisations in contemporary societies. Vial (2019: 121) defines it as 'a process that aims to …

Digital Fabrication and How It Affects the Future of Indonesian Construction World

T Mahendarto - EduARCHsia & Senvar 2019 International …, 2020‏ -
Abstract the rapid advancement of technology in the field of industry is changing the
construction world, and it comes in different forms, one of which is digital fabrication …

Connection Making: analogue-digital synapsis between fabrication hubs

A Vacanti, X Ferrari Tumay, A Vian - Pro-innovation: process production …, 2019‏ -
The paper intends to apply the emerging theories on network science to the production
chain of contemporary society, hyper-globalized and hyperconnected, to provide an …


A Vacanti, XF Tumay, A Vian‏ -
The paper intends to apply the emerging theories on network science to the production
chain of contemporary society, hyper-globalized and hyperconnected, to provide an …

[PDF][PDF] Industry 4.0 And Work Organisation: An Investigation of Employer And Employee Perspectives On Technologies, Skills, And Work Practices

A Adeniji - 2021‏ -
Digitalisation of manufacturing through Industry 4.0 has been predicted to radically transform
the way work is organised and experienced. As critical as this issue is, most research on the …