On a product-type system of difference equations of second order solvable in closed form

S Stević, B Iričanin, Z Šmarda - Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2015 - Springer
It is shown that the following system of difference equations zn+ 1= znawn− 1 b, wn+ 1=
wnczn− 1 d, n∈ N 0, z_ n+ 1= z_ n^ a w_ n-1^ b,\qquad w_ n+ 1= w_ n^ c z_ n-1^ d,\quad n …

[PDF][PDF] On the difference equation xn 1 α βxn− 1e− xn

H El-Metwally, EA Grove, G Ladas… - … : Theory, Methods & …, 2001 - researchgate.net
On the Difference Equation Page 1 On the Difference Equation xn+1 = α + βxn−1e −xn H. El-Metwally,
EA Grove, G. Ladas, M. Radin Department of Mathematics, University of Rhode Island …

On the behavior of solutions of the system of rational difference equations xn+ 1= xn-1 ynxn-1-1, yn+ 1= yn-1 xnyn-1-1, zn+ 1= 1 ynzn

AS Kurbanli - Advances in Difference Equations, 2011 - Springer
On the behavior of solutions of the system of rational difference equations xn + 1 = xn - 1 ynxn -
1 - 1 , yn + 1 = yn - 1 xnyn - 1 - 1 , zn + 1 = 1 ynzn | Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models …

On the solutions of two special types of Riccati difference equation via Fibonacci numbers

DT Tollu, Y Yazlik, N Taskara - Advances in Difference Equations, 2013 - Springer
On the solutions of two special types of Riccati difference equation via Fibonacci numbers |
Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models Skip to main content Springer Nature Link …

[PDF][PDF] More on a rational recurrence relation

S Stevic - Appl. Math. E-Notes, 2004 - emis.de
More On A Rational Recurrence Relation∗ Page 1 Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 4(2004),
80-84 c ISSN 1607-2510 Available free at mirror sites of http://www.math.nthu.edu.tw/∼amen …

Global behavior of the solutions of some difference equations

EM Elabbasy, HA El-Metwally, EM Elsayed - Advances in Difference …, 2011 - Springer
In this article we study the difference equation xn+ 1= axn-lxn-kbxn-p-cxn-q, n= 0, 1,…,
where the initial conditions xr, x-r+ 1, x-r+ 2,..., x 0 are arbitrary positive real numbers, r= max …

[PDF][PDF] Solvability of nonlinear difference equations of fourth order

S Stevic, J Diblik, B Iricanin, Z Šmarda - Electron. J. Differ. Equ, 2014 - academia.edu
In this article we show the existence of solutions to the nonlinear difference equation xn=
xn− 3xn− 4 xn− 1 (an+ bnxn− 2xn− 3xn− 4), n∈ N0, where the sequences (an) n∈ N0 and …

On a third-order system of difference equations

S Stević - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012 - Elsevier
On a third-order system of difference equations - ScienceDirect Skip to main contentSkip to
article Elsevier logo Journals & Books Search RegisterSign in View PDF Download full issue …

Solvability of a system of higher order nonlinear difference equations

M Kara, Y Yazlik, DT Tollu - Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and …, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
In this paper we show that the system of difference equations x_n=ay_nk+dy_nkx_n-
(k+l)bx_n-(k+l)+cy_nl=αx_nk+δx_nky_n-(k+l)βy_n-(k+l)+γx_nl, where n∈N_0, k and l are …

Dynamics of a system of rational third-order difference equation

Q Zhang, L Yang, J Liu - Advances in Difference Equations, 2012 - Springer
In this paper, we study the dynamical behavior of positive solution for a system of a rational
third-order difference equation xn+ 1= xn− 2 B+ yn− 2 yn− 1 yn, yn+ 1= yn− 2 A+ xn− 2 xn− 1 …