[HTML][HTML] A global spectral library to characterize the world's soil
Soil provides ecosystem services, supports human health and habitation, stores carbon and
regulates emissions of greenhouse gases. Unprecedented pressures on soil from …
regulates emissions of greenhouse gases. Unprecedented pressures on soil from …
Imaging spectroscopy for soil map** and monitoring
There is a renewed awareness of the finite nature of the world's soil resources, growing
concern about soil security and significant uncertainties about the carrying capacity of the …
concern about soil security and significant uncertainties about the carrying capacity of the …
Using imaging spectroscopy to study soil properties
Imaging Spectroscopy (IS) is a promising tool for studying soil properties in large spatial
domains. Going from point to image spectrometry is not only a journey from micro to macro …
domains. Going from point to image spectrometry is not only a journey from micro to macro …
Satellite remote sensing for water erosion assessment: A review
A Vrieling - Catena, 2006 - Elsevier
Water erosion creates negative impacts on agricultural production, infrastructure, and water
quality across the world. Regional-scale water erosion assessment is important, but limited …
quality across the world. Regional-scale water erosion assessment is important, but limited …
Soil variability and quantification based on Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 bare soil images: A comparison
There is a worldwide need for detailed spatial information to support soil map**, mainly in
the tropics, where main agricultural areas are concentrated. In this line, satellite images are …
the tropics, where main agricultural areas are concentrated. In this line, satellite images are …
Estimating soil salinity under various moisture conditions: An experimental study
X Yang, Y Yu - IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Soil salinization is one of the most common land desertification processes that can be found
worldwide. It is a certainly severe environment hazard and threatens the stability of …
worldwide. It is a certainly severe environment hazard and threatens the stability of …
[HTML][HTML] Improving soil organic carbon predictions from a Sentinel–2 soil composite by assessing surface conditions and uncertainties
K Dvorakova, U Heiden, K Pepers, G Staats, G van Os… - Geoderma, 2023 - Elsevier
Soil organic carbon (SOC) prediction from remote sensing is often hindered by disturbing
factors at the soil surface, such as photosynthetic active and non–photosynthetic active …
factors at the soil surface, such as photosynthetic active and non–photosynthetic active …
[HTML][HTML] Map** and modelling spatial variation in soil salinity in the Al Hassa Oasis based on remote sensing indicators and regression techniques
Soil salinity is one of the most damaging environmental problems worldwide, especially in
arid and semi-arid regions. An integrated approach using remote sensing in addition to …
arid and semi-arid regions. An integrated approach using remote sensing in addition to …
[KNJIGA][B] Remote sensing of soil salinization: Impact on land management
G Metternicht, A Zinck - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
Recognized and advocated as a powerful tool, the role of remote sensing in identifying,
map**, and monitoring soil salinity and salinization will continue to expand. Remote …
map**, and monitoring soil salinity and salinization will continue to expand. Remote …
Application in analysis of soils
DF Malley, PD Martin, E Ben-Dor - Near‐infrared spectroscopy …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Although near‐infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been used in the research laboratory for the
compositional analysis of soil, its importance to day‐to‐day agriculture and land use is just …
compositional analysis of soil, its importance to day‐to‐day agriculture and land use is just …