Direct imaging of isofrequency contours of guided modes in extremely anisotropic all-dielectric metasurface
In this work, we investigate an all-dielectric metasurface based on the silicon on insulator
platform for manipulating of guided modes in the visible and near-infrared spectral ranges …
platform for manipulating of guided modes in the visible and near-infrared spectral ranges …
Probing optical losses and dispersion of fully guided waves through critical evanescent coupling
Surface waves such as plasmon, exciton, or phonon polaritons as well as guided modes
supported by various planar structures attract particular attention due to their capability of …
supported by various planar structures attract particular attention due to their capability of …
Eigenmode analysis of the waveguide-plasmon structure based on a-Si1-xCx: H layer with 1D gold grating
Resonant structure consisting of waveguide layer with metallic strips array is a promising
design for various optical effects control and enhancement at the nanoscale due to its strong …
design for various optical effects control and enhancement at the nanoscale due to its strong …
Measuring full complex dispersion of guided modes and surface waves in planar photonic structures
At the moment, planar periodic structures such as metasurfaces and photonic crystal slabs
attract particular attention, since they can support surface waves and guided modes with …
attract particular attention, since they can support surface waves and guided modes with …
Direct imaging of isofrequency contours in all-dielectric optical metasurface
We study the properties of optical surface waves in all-dielectric anisotropic metasurface
represented by an array of silicon slabs. We employ back focal plane microscope with solid …
represented by an array of silicon slabs. We employ back focal plane microscope with solid …
Измерение оптических потерь и дисперсии волноводных мод в геометрии критического эванесцентного возбуждения
ДВ Пермяков, ВИ Кондратьев, ДА Пидгайко… - Письма в Журнал …, 2021 - mathnet.ru
Поверхностные волны, такие как плазмонные, экситонные или фононные поляритоны,
а также волноводные моды, поддерживаемые различными планарными структурами …
а также волноводные моды, поддерживаемые различными планарными структурами …
Visualization of isofrequency contours of guided modes in all-dielectric hyperbolic-like metasurface
We designed a SOI-based all-dielectric anisotropic metasurface which supports both
hyperbolic-like and elliptic dispersion regimes of guided modes. We employ back focal …
hyperbolic-like and elliptic dispersion regimes of guided modes. We employ back focal …