[หนังสือ][B] Chicano school failure and success: Past, present, and future
RR Valencia - 2004 - api.taylorfrancis.com
It has been over a decade since the publication of the first edition of Chicano School Failure
and Success. Much has transpired in the educational arena in the last ten-plus years …
and Success. Much has transpired in the educational arena in the last ten-plus years …
Categorical inequality in Black and White: Linking disproportionality across multiple educational outcomes
K Shores, HE Kim, M Still - American Educational Research …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
We characterize the extent to which Black-White gaps for multiple educational outcomes are
linked across school districts in the United States. Gaps in disciplinary action, grade-level …
linked across school districts in the United States. Gaps in disciplinary action, grade-level …
[หนังสือ][B] Deviant peer influences in programs for youth: Problems and solutions
Most interventions for at-risk youth are group based. Yet, research indicates that young
people often learn to become deviant by interacting with deviant peers. In this important …
people often learn to become deviant by interacting with deviant peers. In this important …
Student ratings of stressful experiences at home and school: Loss of a parent and grade retention as superlative stressors
GE Anderson, SR Jimerson… - Journal of Applied School …, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
Prior research examining children's ratings of stressful life events indicated that, by the time
children are in sixth grade, they fear only going blind and losing a parent more than …
children are in sixth grade, they fear only going blind and losing a parent more than …
Grade retention, postsecondary education, and public aid receipt
SR Ou, AJ Reynolds - Educational Evaluation and Policy …, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
Using data from the Chicago Longitudinal Study (CLS), an ongoing investigation of a panel
of low-income minority children growing up in an inner city, this study investigated whether …
of low-income minority children growing up in an inner city, this study investigated whether …
School attendance patterns, unmet educational needs, and truancy: A chronological perspective
AM Spencer - Remedial and Special Education, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
This study examines chronological patterns of attendance and academic performance of
urban students who are identified as truants in Grade 8. A chronological review of 42 student …
urban students who are identified as truants in Grade 8. A chronological review of 42 student …
[หนังสือ][B] Anti-black literacy laws and policies
AI Willis - 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
A COUNTERNARRATIVE This groundbreaking book uncovers how anti-Black racism has
informed and perpetuated anti-literacy laws, policies, and customs from the colonial period …
informed and perpetuated anti-literacy laws, policies, and customs from the colonial period …
How can cross-country differences in the practice of grade retention be explained? A closer look at national educational policy factors
M Goos, BM Schreier, HME Knipprath… - Comparative …, 2013 - journals.uchicago.edu
This study investigates the extent to which national educational policy factors can explain
differences in the probability of students repeating a grade in primary and lower-secondary …
differences in the probability of students repeating a grade in primary and lower-secondary …
The Perceptions of Primary Grade Teachers and Elementary Principals about the Effectiveness of Grade-Level Retention.
BG Range, J Pijanowski, CR Holt, S Young - Professional Educator, 2012 - ERIC
The purpose of this study was to ascertain the attitudes of primary grade teachers and
elementary principals about grade retention. Because grade retention is typically initiated in …
elementary principals about grade retention. Because grade retention is typically initiated in …
Grade retention at the transition to secondary school: Using propensity score matching to identify consequences on psychosocial adjustment
C Mathys, MH Véronneau… - The Journal of Early …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
This study tested whether grade retention at the transition into secondary school had a
significant impact on adolescent psychosocial adjustment. A quasi-experimental design was …
significant impact on adolescent psychosocial adjustment. A quasi-experimental design was …