Beer froth artificial bee colony algorithm for job-shop scheduling problem

N Sharma, H Sharma, A Sharma - Applied Soft Computing, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Job-shop scheduling problem (JSSP) is a vital combinatorial optimization problem in the
field of machine scheduling. The high complexity of JSSP is attracting researchers since the …

An improved global best guided artificial bee colony algorithm for continuous optimization problems

Y Cao, Y Lu, X Pan, N Sun - Cluster computing, 2019‏ - Springer
Artificial bee colony (ABC) has proved to be a good optimizer on many engineering
problems. However, the standard ABC converges slowly because of poor exploitation …

Optimal LEACH protocol with improved bat algorithm in wireless sensor networks

X Cai, Y Sun, Z Cui, W Zhang… - KSII Transactions on …, 2019‏ -
A low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) protocol is a low-power adaptive
cluster routing protocol which was proposed by MIT's Chandrakasan for sensor networks. In …

[HTML][HTML] Improving monarch butterfly optimization algorithm with self-adaptive population

H Hu, Z Cai, S Hu, Y Cai, J Chen, S Huang - Algorithms, 2018‏ -
Inspired by the migration behavior of monarch butterflies in nature, Wang et al. proposed a
novel, promising, intelligent swarm-based algorithm, monarch butterfly optimization (MBO) …

An ABC algorithm with recombination

X You, Y Ma, Z Liu, M **e - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF …, 2018‏ -
Artificial bee colony (ABC) is an efficient swarm intelligence algorithm, which has shown
good exploration ability. However, its exploitation capacity needs to be improved. In this …

Optimization of multimodal benchmark functions using fish cooperative hunting behaviors

I Rahman, J Mohamad-Saleh… - … Conference on Electrical …, 2019‏ -
The rising complexity of real-world problems has inspired researchers to search for effective
problem-solving techniques. Swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation techniques …

Reactive power optimization using new enhanced whale optimization algorithm

I Rahman, J Mohamad-Saleh… - International Journal of …, 2022‏ -
Abstract The standard Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) involves exploitation and
exploration operations which require to be balanced for improved performance. This paper …

Review on bio-inspired algorithms approach to solve assembly line balancing problem

N Sulaiman, J Mohamad-Saleh… - IOP Conference …, 2019‏ -
Bio-inspired algorithms that have been introduced by mimicking the biological phenomenon
of nature have widely implemented to cater various real-world problems. As example …

Constrained solution of CEC 2017 with monarch butterfly optimisation

H Hu, Z Cai, S Hu, Y Cai, J Chen… - International Journal of …, 2019‏ -
Recently, inspired by the behaviour of monarch butterfly in North America, Wang et al.
proposed a new kind of swarm intelligence algorithm, called Monarch Butterfly Optimisation …

An Enhanced Monarch Butterfly Optimization with Self-adaptive Butterfly Adjusting and Crossover Operators

GG Wang, GS Hao, Z Cui - … Conference, ICSI 2018, Shanghai, China, June …, 2018‏ - Springer
After studying the behavior of monarch butterflies in nature, Wang et al. proposed a new
promising swarm intelligence algorithm, called monarch butterfly optimization (MBO), for …