Human pathogen avoidance adaptations
Highlights•Humans have adaptations for detecting and avoiding pathogens.•These
adaptations do not invariantely motivate avoidance when pathogens are detected.•Benefits …
adaptations do not invariantely motivate avoidance when pathogens are detected.•Benefits …
Why do people vary in disgust?
People vary in the degree to which they experience disgust toward—and, consequently,
avoid—cues to pathogens. Prodigious work has measured this variation and observed that it …
avoid—cues to pathogens. Prodigious work has measured this variation and observed that it …
The behavioral immune system shapes political intuitions: Why and how individual differences in disgust sensitivity underlie opposition to immigration
We present, test, and extend a theoretical framework that connects disgust, a powerful basic
human emotion, to political attitudes through psychological mechanisms designed to protect …
human emotion, to political attitudes through psychological mechanisms designed to protect …
Sex differences in disgust: Why are women more easily disgusted than men?
Women have consistently higher levels of disgust than men. This sex difference is
substantial in magnitude, highly replicable, emerges with diverse assessment methods, and …
substantial in magnitude, highly replicable, emerges with diverse assessment methods, and …
Evolutionary psychology: A how-to guide.
Researchers in the social and behavioral sciences are increasingly using evolutionary
insights to test novel hypotheses about human psychology. Because evolutionary …
insights to test novel hypotheses about human psychology. Because evolutionary …
Food neophobia and disgust, but not hunger, predict willingness to eat insect protein
Due to the environmental benefits of entomophagy, a growing field of research is now
investigating the factors that predict people's willingness to eat insects. In the current studies …
investigating the factors that predict people's willingness to eat insects. In the current studies …
[HTML][HTML] The multidimensional nature of food neophobia
People vary in their willingness to try new foods. This variation, which is most frequently
measured using the Food Neophobia Scale (FNS; Pliner & Hobden, 1992), has been …
measured using the Food Neophobia Scale (FNS; Pliner & Hobden, 1992), has been …
Disgust as a mechanism for decision making under risk: Illuminating sex differences and individual risk-taking correlates of disgust propensity.
The emotion disgust motivates costly behavioral strategies that mitigate against potentially
larger costs associated with pathogens, sexual behavior, and moral transgressions …
larger costs associated with pathogens, sexual behavior, and moral transgressions …
Disgust and mating strategy
An evolutionary task analysis predicts a connection between disgust and human mating, two
important but currently disconnected areas of psychology. Because short-term mating …
important but currently disconnected areas of psychology. Because short-term mating …
When evolution works against the future: Disgust's contributions to the acceptance of new food technologies
New food technologies have a high potential to transform the current resource‐consuming
food system to a more efficient and sustainable one, but public acceptance of new food …
food system to a more efficient and sustainable one, but public acceptance of new food …