Human-specific genetics: new tools to explore the molecular and cellular basis of human evolution
Our ancestors acquired morphological, cognitive and metabolic modifications that enabled
humans to colonize diverse habitats, develop extraordinary technologies and reshape the …
humans to colonize diverse habitats, develop extraordinary technologies and reshape the …
Ancient DNA analysis
Although the first ancient DNA molecules were extracted more than three decades ago, the
first ancient nuclear genomes could only be characterized after high-throughput sequencing …
first ancient nuclear genomes could only be characterized after high-throughput sequencing …
The Allen Ancient DNA Resource (AADR) a curated compendium of ancient human genomes
More than two hundred papers have reported genome-wide data from ancient humans.
While the raw data for the vast majority are fully publicly available testifying to the …
While the raw data for the vast majority are fully publicly available testifying to the …
Grey wolf genomic history reveals a dual ancestry of dogs
The grey wolf (Canis lupus) was the first species to give rise to a domestic population, and
they remained widespread throughout the last Ice Age when many other large mammal …
they remained widespread throughout the last Ice Age when many other large mammal …
[HTML][HTML] Reconstruction of ancient microbial genomes from the human gut
Loss of gut microbial diversity,,,,–in industrial populations is associated with chronic
diseases, underscoring the importance of studying our ancestral gut microbiome. However …
diseases, underscoring the importance of studying our ancestral gut microbiome. However …
Origins of modern human ancestry
New finds in the palaeoanthropological and genomic records have changed our view of the
origins of modern human ancestry. Here we review our current understanding of how the …
origins of modern human ancestry. Here we review our current understanding of how the …
Late Quaternary dynamics of Arctic biota from ancient environmental genomics
During the last glacial–interglacial cycle, Arctic biotas experienced substantial climatic
changes, yet the nature, extent and rate of their responses are not fully understood …
changes, yet the nature, extent and rate of their responses are not fully understood …
Initial Upper Palaeolithic Homo sapiens from Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria
Abstract The Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in Europe witnessed the replacement
and partial absorption of local Neanderthal populations by Homo sapiens populations of …
and partial absorption of local Neanderthal populations by Homo sapiens populations of …
The genome of the offspring of a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father
Neanderthals and Denisovans are extinct groups of hominins that separated from each
other more than 390,000 years ago,. Here we present the genome of 'Denisova 11', a bone …
other more than 390,000 years ago,. Here we present the genome of 'Denisova 11', a bone …
Unearthing Neanderthal population history using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA from cave sediments
INTRODUCTION The study of hominin history has progressed through both archaeological
and genetic insights. Although DNA sequencing from hominin skeletal remains allows the …
and genetic insights. Although DNA sequencing from hominin skeletal remains allows the …