Paris: Probabilistic alignment of relations, instances, and schema

FM Suchanek, S Abiteboul, P Senellart - arxiv preprint arxiv:1111.7164, 2011 -
One of the main challenges that the Semantic Web faces is the integration of a growing
number of independently designed ontologies. In this work, we present PARIS, an approach …

Binary RDF representation for publication and exchange (HDT)

JD Fernández, MA Martínez-Prieto, C Gutiérrez… - Journal of Web …, 2013 - Elsevier
The current Web of Data is producing increasingly large RDF datasets. Massive publication
efforts of RDF data driven by initiatives like the Linked Open Data movement, and the need …

Searching and browsing linked data with swse: The semantic web search engine

A Hogan, A Harth, J Umbrich, S Kinsella… - Journal of web …, 2011 - Elsevier
In this paper, we discuss the architecture and implementation of the Semantic Web Search
Engine (SWSE). Following traditional search engine architecture, SWSE consists of …

Using memetic algorithm for instance coreference resolution

X Xue, Y Wang - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data …, 2015 -
Instance coreference resolution is an essential problem in studying semantic web, and it is
also critical for the implementation of web of data and future integration and application of …

Eagle: Efficient active learning of link specifications using genetic programming

AC Ngonga Ngomo, K Lyko - Extended semantic web conference, 2012 - Springer
With the growth of the Linked Data Web, time-efficient approaches for computing links
between data sources have become indispensable. Most Link Discovery frameworks …

A self-training approach for resolving object coreference on the semantic web

W Hu, J Chen, Y Qu - Proceedings of the 20th international conference …, 2011 -
An object on the Semantic Web is likely to be denoted with multiple URIs by different parties.
Object coreference resolution is to identify" equivalent" URIs that denote the same object …

Scalable and distributed methods for entity matching, consolidation and disambiguation over linked data corpora

A Hogan, A Zimmermann, J Umbrich, A Polleres… - Journal of Web …, 2012 - Elsevier
With respect to large-scale, static, Linked Data corpora, in this paper we discuss scalable
and distributed methods for entity consolidation (aka. smushing, entity resolution, object …

[PDF][PDF] Raven-active learning of link specifications

ACN Ngomo, J Lehmann, S Auer, K Höffner - Ontology Matching, 2011 -
With the growth of the Linked Data Web, time-efficient approaches for computing links
between data sources have become indispensable. Yet, in many cases, determining the …

Hike: A hybrid human-machine method for entity alignment in large-scale knowledge bases

Y Zhuang, G Li, Z Zhong, J Feng - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on …, 2017 -
With the vigorous development of the World Wide Web, many large-scale knowledge bases
(KBs) have been generated. To improve the coverage of KBs, an important task is to …

A machine learning approach for instance matching based on similarity metrics

S Rong, X Niu, EW **ang, H Wang, Q Yang… - The Semantic Web–ISWC …, 2012 - Springer
Abstract The Linking Open Data (LOD) project is an ongoing effort to construct a global data
space, ie the Web of Data. One important part of this project is to establish owl: sameAs links …