Framework for multi-stressor physiological response evaluation in amphibian risk assessment and conservation
Controlled laboratory experiments are often performed on amphibians to establish causality
between stressor presence and an adverse outcome. However, in the field, identification of …
between stressor presence and an adverse outcome. However, in the field, identification of …
Factors influencing persistence of a threatened amphibian in restored wetlands despite severe population decline during climate change driven weather extremes
Biodiversity is in global decline during the Anthropocene. Declines have been caused by
multiple factors, such as habitat removal, invasive species, and disease, which are often …
multiple factors, such as habitat removal, invasive species, and disease, which are often …
[PDF][PDF] Life stage dependent predator–prey reversal between a frog (Litoria aurea) and a dragonfly (Anax papuensis)
There are many documented instances of “predator–prey reversal,” which is a biological
interaction where an organism that is typically thought of as prey in a pairwise predator–prey …
interaction where an organism that is typically thought of as prey in a pairwise predator–prey …
Predator-free short-hydroperiod wetlands enhance metamorph output in a threatened amphibian: insights into frog breeding behaviour evolution and conservation …
AbstractContext Knowledge on the drivers of breeding behaviour is vital to understand
amphibian ecology and conservation. Proposed drivers of amphibian reproductive …
amphibian ecology and conservation. Proposed drivers of amphibian reproductive …
Efficiency of aquatic PIT-tag telemetry, a powerful tool to improve monitoring and detection of marked individuals in pond environments
Identifying and tracking individuals across time are a prerequisite to uncover key traits of
their ecology and behavior. However, obtaining fine-grain individual data at multiple …
their ecology and behavior. However, obtaining fine-grain individual data at multiple …
Meal or mate: Exploring the evidence of sexual cannibalism among amphibians
Active forms of cannibalism that involve predation of live conspecifics occur widely among
amphibians, most notably by tadpoles that feed on each other and adults that feed on …
amphibians, most notably by tadpoles that feed on each other and adults that feed on …
Genetic evidence for polyandry in the threatened green and golden bell frog
Identifying which species exhibit polyandry may lead to further insights into evolutionary
biology and social behaviour. However, confirming polyandry can be difficult. High …
biology and social behaviour. However, confirming polyandry can be difficult. High …
[PDF][PDF] Life stage dependent predator–prey reversal between a frog
There are many documented instances of “predator–prey reversal,” which is a biological
interaction where an organism that is typically thought of as prey in a pairwise predator–prey …
interaction where an organism that is typically thought of as prey in a pairwise predator–prey …