The evolution of 'ecological release'into the 21st century
Ecological release, originally conceived as niche expansion following a reduction in
interspecific competition, may prompt invasion success, morphological evolution, speciation …
interspecific competition, may prompt invasion success, morphological evolution, speciation …
Sexual dimorphism and species diversity: from clades to sites
A variety of relationships have been observed between sexual dimorphism and species
diversity, from positive to negative and nonsignificant. Although many hypotheses have …
diversity, from positive to negative and nonsignificant. Although many hypotheses have …
[HTML][HTML] Eco-evolutionary dynamics in microbial communities from spontaneous fermented foods
Eco-evolutionary forces are the key drivers of ecosystem biodiversity dynamics. This
resulted in a large body of theory, which has partially been experimentally tested by …
resulted in a large body of theory, which has partially been experimentally tested by …
Convergent evolution of specialized generalists: implications for phylogenetic and functional diversity of carabid feeding groups
Closely related species are often assumed to be functionally similar. Phylogenetic
information is thus widely used to infer functional diversity and assembly of communities. In …
information is thus widely used to infer functional diversity and assembly of communities. In …
Identifying “useful” fitness models: Balancing the benefits of added complexity with realistic data requirements in models of individual plant fitness
Direct species interactions are commonly included in individual fitness models used for
coexistence and local diversity modeling. Though widely considered important for such …
coexistence and local diversity modeling. Though widely considered important for such …
Trophic interactions and abiotic factors drive functional and phylogenetic structure of vertebrate herbivore communities across the Arctic tundra biome
Communities are assembled from species that evolve or colonise a given geographic
region, and persist in the face of abiotic conditions and interactions with other species. The …
region, and persist in the face of abiotic conditions and interactions with other species. The …
Global patterns and drivers of raptor phylogenetic and functional diversity
Aim Raptors, a highly threatened but ecologically important group of birds, have been
recognized as a good proxy for overall biodiversity in conservation planning. However …
recognized as a good proxy for overall biodiversity in conservation planning. However …
The effects of morphology, phylogeny and prey availability on trophic resource partitioning in an anuran community
M de Toledo Moroti, PT Soares, M Pedrozo… - Basic and Applied …, 2021 - Elsevier
Several factors influence the partitioning of trophic resources in ecological communities,
such as morphology, evolutionary history, and resource availability. Although the effects of …
such as morphology, evolutionary history, and resource availability. Although the effects of …
The phylogenetic limits to diversity-dependent diversification
While the theory of micro-evolution by natural selection assigns a crucial role to competition,
its role in macroevolution is less clear. Phylogenetic evidence for a decelerating …
its role in macroevolution is less clear. Phylogenetic evidence for a decelerating …
DNA metabarcoding of prey reveals spatial, temporal and diet partitioning of an island ecosystem by four invasive wasps
Invasive alien species can cause detrimental changes in native ecosystems, but our
understanding of the interactions between multiple exotic species is limited. To evaluate the …
understanding of the interactions between multiple exotic species is limited. To evaluate the …