Advancing knowledge through literature reviews:'what','why', and 'how to contribute'

WM Lim, S Kumar, F Ali - The Service Industries Journal, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Literature review is part and parcel of scholarly research. Though many literature review
guides are available, they remain limited because they do not adequately account for the …

Digital service innovation (DSI): a multidisciplinary (re) view of its origins and progress using bibliometric and text mining methods

R Rabetino, M Kohtamäki, T Huikkola - Journal of Service …, 2024 -
Purpose This paper studies the Digital Service Innovation (DSI) concept by systematically
reviewing earlier studies from various scholarly communities. This study aims to recognize …

Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on employee performance–moderating role of industry 4.0 base technologies

G Narayanamurthy, G Tortorella - International journal of production …, 2021 - Elsevier
COVID-19 outbreak has implied significant changes in the way service organizations work,
affecting employees' routine and activities. At the same time, the advent of Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) …

[HTML][HTML] A review of attacks, vulnerabilities, and defenses in industry 4.0 with new challenges on data sovereignty ahead

V Pedreira, D Barros, P Pinto - Sensors, 2021 -
The concepts brought by Industry 4.0 have been explored and gradually applied. The
cybersecurity impacts on the progress of Industry 4.0 implementations and their interactions …

Investigating the impact of smart manufacturing and interconnected emerging technologies in building smarter supply chains

PC Kandarkar, V Ravi - Journal of Manufacturing Technology …, 2024 -
Purpose Industry 4.0 has put forward a smart perspective on managing supply chain
networks and their operations. The current manufacturing system is primarily data-driven …

[HTML][HTML] Framework for the strategic adoption of industry 4.0: a focus on intelligent systems

J Serey, M Alfaro, G Fuertes, M Vargas, R Ternero… - Processes, 2023 -
Despite growing interest in smart manufacturing, there is little information on how
organizations can approach the alignment of strategic processes with Industry 4.0. This …

Smart working in the travel agencies and employees' quality of life

VG Girish, JY Lee, CK Lee, H Olya - Tourism Review, 2022 -
Purpose This paper aims to understand the impact of smart working on employees' quality of
life. The service-dominant logic indicates that key actors, including employees, are resource …

The interrelationship between Lean 4.0 and value co-creation: an empirical study in the dairy sector

A Bonamigo, A Nunes, LF Mendes… - International Journal of …, 2024 -
The interrelationship between Lean 4.0 and value co-creation: an empirical study in the dairy
sector | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access Publish …

Exploring the barriers and motivators of value co-creation through a theoretical lens of service-dominant logic

MM Ajmal, A Jan, M Khan, M Hussain… - Journal of Business & …, 2024 -
Purpose This study aims to identify and categorize the barriers and motivators to value co-
creation and to establish its theoretical link with the five axioms of value co-creation …

Criteria for selecting actors for the value co-creation in startups

A Bonamigo, AA da Silva, BP da Silva… - Journal of Business & …, 2022 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify the main criteria for selecting actors to
compose these business platforms and addressing the co-creation of value and improve the …