Impacts of white-nose syndrome observed during long-term monitoring of a midwestern bat community
White-nose syndrome (WNS) is an emerging fungal disease suspected to have infected
Indiana caves in the winter of 2010–2011. This disease places energetic strains on cave …
Indiana caves in the winter of 2010–2011. This disease places energetic strains on cave …
Identifying research needs to inform white‐nose syndrome management decisions
Ecological understanding of host–pathogen dynamics is the basis for managing wildlife
diseases. Since 2008, federal, state, and provincial agencies and tribal and private …
diseases. Since 2008, federal, state, and provincial agencies and tribal and private …
Bat migration
TH Fleming - Encyclopedia of animal behavior, 2019 -
This article summarizes current knowledge about the migratory behavior of temperate and
tropical bats. A close association between migration and hibernation exists in temperate, but …
tropical bats. A close association between migration and hibernation exists in temperate, but …
Effects of white‐nose syndrome on regional population patterns of 3 hibernating bat species
TE Ingersoll, BJ Sewall, SK Amelon - Conservation Biology, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Hibernating bats have undergone severe recent declines across the eastern United States,
but the cause of these regional‐scale declines has not been systematically evaluated. We …
but the cause of these regional‐scale declines has not been systematically evaluated. We …
Host traits and environment interact to determine persistence of bat populations impacted by white‐nose syndrome
AT Grimaudo, JR Hoyt, SA Yamada, CJ Herzog… - Ecology …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Emerging infectious diseases have resulted in severe population declines across diverse
taxa. In some instances, despite attributes associated with high extinction risk, disease …
taxa. In some instances, despite attributes associated with high extinction risk, disease …
Range-Wide Genetic Analysis of Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) Populations: Estimating the Risk of Spread of White-Nose Syndrome
The little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) is one of the most widespread bat species in North
America and is experiencing severe population declines because of an emerging fungal …
America and is experiencing severe population declines because of an emerging fungal …
Population genetic structure of a common host predicts the spread of white‐nose syndrome, an emerging infectious disease in bats
Landscape complexity influences patterns of animal dispersal, which in turn may affect both
gene flow and the spread of pathogens. White‐nose syndrome (WNS) is an introduced …
gene flow and the spread of pathogens. White‐nose syndrome (WNS) is an introduced …
Reactivation of latent infections with migration shapes population-level disease dynamics
Annual migration is common across animal taxa and can dramatically shape the spatial and
temporal patterns of infectious disease. Although migration can decrease infection …
temporal patterns of infectious disease. Although migration can decrease infection …
Modelling the potential efficacy of treatments for white‐nose syndrome in bats
The fungal disease white‐nose syndrome (WNS) has caused mass mortality in some
species of North American bats during hibernation. We use population viability models to …
species of North American bats during hibernation. We use population viability models to …
Genetic connectivity among swarming sites in the wide ranging and recently declining little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus)
Characterizing movement dynamics and spatial aspects of gene flow within a species
permits inference on population structuring. As patterns of structuring are products of …
permits inference on population structuring. As patterns of structuring are products of …