[PDF][PDF] Scientific tools for forming professional competence of patrol police officers

V Bondarenko, I Okhrimenko… - … Journal of Evaluation …, 2022 - researchgate.net
In this paper, the scientific sources analysis was presented. The peculiarities of the
professional competence formation of the future patrol officers were determined. Moreover …

[PDF][PDF] Student-centered online assesment in foreign language classes

O Bratel, M Kostiuk, S Bratel… - Linguistics and Culture …, 2021 - academia.edu
In 2020 educational institutions in many countries had to implement online learning due to
quarantine restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The research aims to study the …

Tendency of Dynamics of Physical and Mental Working Capacity of Law Enforcement Officers at Different Stages of their Professional Activities.

VV Bondarenko, IM Okhrimenko… - Acta …, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
Aim: To carry out the comparative analysis of the indicators of working capacity (physical
and mental) of law enforcement officers in the conditions of educational process and service …

[PDF][PDF] Influence of the amount of students' motor activity on their health status and psychophysical readiness for future life.

G Griban, I Okhrimenko, N Lyakhova… - Acta …, 2022 - eprints.zu.edu.ua
Aim: To investigate the impact of the amount of students' motor activity on their health status
and psychophysical readiness for future life. Materials and Methods: The research was …

Means of Police Officers' Physical and Psychological Rehabilitation in the Conditions of their Service Activities.

VV Bondarenko, IM Okhrimenko… - Acta …, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
Aim: To determine the negative factors of police officers' service activities and to theoretically
substantiate the available means of police officers' physical and psychological rehabilitation …

Peculiarities of decision making by police officers with different levels of professional self-fulfilment

Y Ponomarenko, I Okhrimenko, I Klymenko… - … . Broad Research in …, 2022 - edusoft.ro
The research found that decision making within the professional activities of the police is the
key to their success, an indicator of the effectiveness of their duties performance. It is …

[PDF][PDF] The influence of modern sports technologies on health and professional activity of law enforcement officers

I Okhrimenko, O Pasko, L Prudka, O Torlo, L Herman… - 2021 - wiadlek.pl
The aim: Is to investigate the influence of modern sports technologies (Crossfit classes) on
health and professional activity of law enforcement officers. Materials and methods: The …

Police training or police education: View on the matter

I Okhrimenko, O Yevdokimova, D Shvets… - 2020 - dspace.pnpu.edu.ua
In any transformational processes taking place in society, the problem of the law
enforcement system's unhindered functioning plays a key role. In the light of recent high …

[PDF][PDF] Effectiveness of means of restoring the working capacity of employees of the security and defense sector in the conditions of rehabilitation after injury

V Bondarenko, I Okhrimenko, V Medvediev… - Acta …, 2022 - academia.edu
Aim: To determine the effectiveness of means of restoring the physical performance of
employees of the security and defense sector in the conditions of rehabilitation after injury …

Training technologies as a means of communicative competences development of prejudicial inquiry agencies' investigators

I Okhrimenko - Postmodern Openings, 2022 - ceeol.com
The communicative component of the investigator's professional activities is a dominant one,
as it demonstrates the employee's ability to organize work on the basis of professionally …