Empirical approaches to the study of language evolution
The study of language evolution, and human cognitive evolution more generally, has often
been ridiculed as unscientific, but in fact it differs little from many other disciplines that …
been ridiculed as unscientific, but in fact it differs little from many other disciplines that …
Diffusion tensor imaging of cerebral white matter: a pictorial review of physics, fiber tract anatomy, and tumor imaging patterns
We review the normal anatomy of the white matter (WM) tracts as they appear on directional
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) color maps, which will almost certainly be available to the …
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) color maps, which will almost certainly be available to the …
[ספר][B] Handbook of affective sciences
RJ Davidson, KR Sherer, HH Goldsmith - 2009 - books.google.com
The Handbook of Affective Sciences is a comprehensive road map to the burgeoning area of
affective sciences, which now spans several disciplines. Hel** to delineate this emerging …
affective sciences, which now spans several disciplines. Hel** to delineate this emerging …
The effects of toluene on the central nervous system
CM Filley, W Halliday… - … of Neuropathology & …, 2004 - academic.oup.com
In recent decades the organic solvent toluene (methylbenzene) has emerged as one of the
best-studied neurotoxins. Long-term and intense exposure to toluene vapors in humans who …
best-studied neurotoxins. Long-term and intense exposure to toluene vapors in humans who …
Differentiating tumor recurrence from treatment necrosis: a review of neuro-oncologic imaging strategies
Differentiating treatment-induced necrosis from tumor recurrence is a central challenge in
neuro-oncology. These 2 very different outcomes after brain tumor treatment often appear …
neuro-oncology. These 2 very different outcomes after brain tumor treatment often appear …
Neuroimaging and early diagnosis of Alzheimer disease: a look to the future
JR Petrella, RE Coleman, PM Doraiswamy - Radiology, 2003 - pubs.rsna.org
Alzheimer disease (AD), a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, is the most common
cause of dementia in the elderly. Current consensus statements have emphasized the need …
cause of dementia in the elderly. Current consensus statements have emphasized the need …
Prefrontal white matter volume is disproportionately larger in humans than in other primates
Determining how the human brain differs from nonhuman primate brains is central to
understanding human behavioral evolution. There is currently dispute over whether the …
understanding human behavioral evolution. There is currently dispute over whether the …
Diffusion-weighted and Perfusion MR Imaging for Brain Tumor Characterization and Assessment of Treatment Response1
JM Provenzale, S Mukundan, DP Barboriak - Radiology, 2006 - pubs.rsna.org
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and perfusion MR imaging are
advanced techniques that provide information not available from conventional MR imaging …
advanced techniques that provide information not available from conventional MR imaging …
Intraoperative subcortical stimulation map** for hemispheric perirolandic gliomas located within or adjacent to the descending motor pathways: evaluation of …
Object. Intraoperative stimulation map** of subcortical white matter tracts during the
resection of gliomas has become a valuable surgical adjunct that is used to reduce morbidity …
resection of gliomas has become a valuable surgical adjunct that is used to reduce morbidity …
Combined functional MRI and tractography to demonstrate the connectivity of the human primary motor cortex in vivo
In this study, we combined advanced MR techniques to explore primary motor cortex (M1)
connectivity in the human brain. We matched functional and anatomical information using …
connectivity in the human brain. We matched functional and anatomical information using …