Assessment of fighting ability in animal contests

G Arnott, RW Elwood - Animal Behaviour, 2009 - Elsevier
Selection should favour accurate information gathering regarding the likely costs and
benefits of continued conflict. Here we consider how variation in the abilities of contestants …

Models for paired comparison data: A review with emphasis on dependent data

M Cattelan - 2012 -
Abstract Thurstonian and Bradley–Terry models are the most commonly applied models in
the analysis of paired comparison data. Since their introduction, numerous developments …

[KNIHA][B] Principles of animal communication

JW Bradbury, SL Vehrencamp - 1998 -
Literature Cited to accompany Animal Communication, 2e Page 1 Principles of Animal
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …

Geographic variation in animal colour polymorphisms and its role in speciation

CA McLean, D Stuart‐Fox - Biological Reviews, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Polymorphic species, in which multiple variants coexist within a population, are often used
as model systems in evolutionary biology. Recent research has been dominated by the …

Selection for social signalling drives the evolution of chameleon colour change

D Stuart-Fox, A Moussalli - PLoS biology, 2008 -
Rapid colour change is a remarkable natural phenomenon that has evolved in several
vertebrate and invertebrate lineages. The two principal explanations for the evolution of this …

Songs versus colours versus horns: what explains the diversity of sexually selected traits?

JJ Wiens, E Tuschhoff - Biological Reviews, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Papers on sexual selection often highlight the incredible diversity of sexually selected traits
across animals. Yet, few studies have tried to explain why this diversity evolved. Animals use …

A Bradley-Terry type model for forecasting tennis match results

I McHale, A Morton - International Journal of Forecasting, 2011 - Elsevier
The paper introduces a model for forecasting match results for the top tier of men's
professional tennis, the ATP tour. Employing a Bradley-Terry type model, and utilising the …

Widespread bone-based fluorescence in chameleons

D Prötzel, M Heß, MD Scherz, M Schwager, A Padje… - Scientific reports, 2018 -
Fluorescence is widespread in marine organisms but uncommon in terrestrial tetrapods. We
here show that many chameleon species have bony tubercles protruding from the skull that …

Reliable aggressive signalling in swamp sparrows

B Ballentine, WA Searcy, S Nowicki - Animal Behaviour, 2008 - Elsevier
Whether aggressive displays are reliable predictors of attack is an important, unresolved
issue in animal communication research. Here we test the extent to which vocal and visual …

Natural selection on social signals: signal efficacy and the evolution of chameleon display coloration

D Stuart-Fox, A Moussalli… - The American …, 2007 -
Whether general patterns of signal evolution can be explained by selection for signal
efficacy (detectability) has yet to be established. To establish the importance of signal …