Mobile device location estimation using environmental information

T Kim, K You, TW Lee - US Patent 8,606,293, 2013 - Google Patents
2006/0046707 2007/0O37583 2007/O13058O 2007/0172047 2008. O147461
2008/O160976 2008/O160977 2008. O1871. 43 2008/0232568 2009, OO86949 …

[HTML][HTML] Augmented hearing of auditory safety cues for construction workers: a systematic literature review

K Dang, K Elelu, T Le, C Le - Sensors, 2022 -
Safety-critical sounds at job sites play an essential role in construction safety, but hearing
capability is often declined due to the use of hearing protection and the complicated nature …

RoomSense: an indoor positioning system for smartphones using active sound probing

M Rossi, J Seiter, O Amft, S Buchmeier… - Proceedings of the 4th …, 2013 -
We present RoomSense, a new method for indoor positioning using smartphones on two
resolution levels: rooms and within-rooms positions. Our technique is based on active sound …

A smartphone magnetometer-based diagnostic test for automatic contact tracing in infectious disease epidemics

S Jeong, S Kuk, H Kim - Ieee Access, 2019 -
Smartphone magnetometer readings exhibit high linear correlation when two phones
coexist within a short distance. Thus, the detected coexistence can serve as a proxy for close …

[HTML][HTML] Using privacy respecting sound analysis to improve bluetooth based proximity detection for COVID-19 exposure tracing and social distancing

G Bahle, V Fortes Rey, S Bian, H Bello, P Lukowicz - Sensors, 2021 -
We propose to use ambient sound as a privacy-aware source of information for COVID-19-
related social distance monitoring and contact tracing. The aim is to complement currently …

Group affiliation detection using model divergence for wearable devices

D Gordon, M Wirz, D Roggen, G Tröster… - Proceedings of the 2014 …, 2014 -
Methods for recognizing group affiliations using mobile devices have been proposed using
centralized instances to aggregate and evaluate data. However centralized systems do not …

Sound-based proximity detection with mobile phones

B Thiel, K Kloch, P Lukowicz - … of the Third International Workshop on …, 2012 -
We present a method for proximity detection with mobile phones that is based on a
combination of Bluetooth communication (for the detection of coarse proximity) and sound …

Inaudible sounds from appliances as anchors: A new signal of opportunity for indoor localization

Z Yang, Y Wang, Y Pan, R Huan… - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022 -
The indoor localization still has challenges when compromising accuracy, cost, scalability,
and so on. In recent years, signals of opportunity have been widely used for low-cost and …

Method and apparatus for identifying mobile devices in similar sound environment

T Kim, TW Lee - US Patent 9,143,571, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method for identifying mobile devices in a similar sound environment is
disclosed. Each of at least two mobile devices captures an input Sound and extracts a …

Method and apparatus for determining location of mobile device

T Kim, K You, YH Lee, TW Lee - US Patent 8,483,725, 2013 - Google Patents
US8483725B2 - Method and apparatus for determining location of mobile device - Google
Patents US8483725B2 - Method and apparatus for determining location of mobile device …