Mobile device location estimation using environmental information
2006/0046707 2007/0O37583 2007/O13058O 2007/0172047 2008. O147461
2008/O160976 2008/O160977 2008. O1871. 43 2008/0232568 2009, OO86949 …
2008/O160976 2008/O160977 2008. O1871. 43 2008/0232568 2009, OO86949 …
[HTML][HTML] Augmented hearing of auditory safety cues for construction workers: a systematic literature review
Safety-critical sounds at job sites play an essential role in construction safety, but hearing
capability is often declined due to the use of hearing protection and the complicated nature …
capability is often declined due to the use of hearing protection and the complicated nature …
RoomSense: an indoor positioning system for smartphones using active sound probing
M Rossi, J Seiter, O Amft, S Buchmeier… - Proceedings of the 4th …, 2013 -
We present RoomSense, a new method for indoor positioning using smartphones on two
resolution levels: rooms and within-rooms positions. Our technique is based on active sound …
resolution levels: rooms and within-rooms positions. Our technique is based on active sound …
A smartphone magnetometer-based diagnostic test for automatic contact tracing in infectious disease epidemics
Smartphone magnetometer readings exhibit high linear correlation when two phones
coexist within a short distance. Thus, the detected coexistence can serve as a proxy for close …
coexist within a short distance. Thus, the detected coexistence can serve as a proxy for close …
[HTML][HTML] Using privacy respecting sound analysis to improve bluetooth based proximity detection for COVID-19 exposure tracing and social distancing
We propose to use ambient sound as a privacy-aware source of information for COVID-19-
related social distance monitoring and contact tracing. The aim is to complement currently …
related social distance monitoring and contact tracing. The aim is to complement currently …
Group affiliation detection using model divergence for wearable devices
Methods for recognizing group affiliations using mobile devices have been proposed using
centralized instances to aggregate and evaluate data. However centralized systems do not …
centralized instances to aggregate and evaluate data. However centralized systems do not …
Sound-based proximity detection with mobile phones
B Thiel, K Kloch, P Lukowicz - … of the Third International Workshop on …, 2012 -
We present a method for proximity detection with mobile phones that is based on a
combination of Bluetooth communication (for the detection of coarse proximity) and sound …
combination of Bluetooth communication (for the detection of coarse proximity) and sound …
Inaudible sounds from appliances as anchors: A new signal of opportunity for indoor localization
Z Yang, Y Wang, Y Pan, R Huan… - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022 -
The indoor localization still has challenges when compromising accuracy, cost, scalability,
and so on. In recent years, signals of opportunity have been widely used for low-cost and …
and so on. In recent years, signals of opportunity have been widely used for low-cost and …
Method and apparatus for identifying mobile devices in similar sound environment
(57) ABSTRACT A method for identifying mobile devices in a similar sound environment is
disclosed. Each of at least two mobile devices captures an input Sound and extracts a …
disclosed. Each of at least two mobile devices captures an input Sound and extracts a …
Method and apparatus for determining location of mobile device
US8483725B2 - Method and apparatus for determining location of mobile device - Google
Patents US8483725B2 - Method and apparatus for determining location of mobile device …
Patents US8483725B2 - Method and apparatus for determining location of mobile device …