Guidelines on the use of liver biopsy in clinical practice from the British Society of Gastroenterology, the Royal College of Radiologists and the Royal College of …
Liver biopsy is required when clinically important information about the diagnosis, prognosis
or management of a patient cannot be obtained by safer means, or for research purposes …
or management of a patient cannot be obtained by safer means, or for research purposes …
New concepts on pathogenesis and diagnosis of liver fibrosis; a review article
Liver fibrosis is a potentially reversible response to hepatic insults, triggered by different
chronic diseases most importantly viral hepatitis, alcoholic, and nonalcoholic fatty liver …
chronic diseases most importantly viral hepatitis, alcoholic, and nonalcoholic fatty liver …
Quantification of liver fibrosis—A comparative study
Liver disease has been targeted as the fifth most common cause of death worldwide and
tends to steadily rise. In the last three decades, several publications focused on the …
tends to steadily rise. In the last three decades, several publications focused on the …
[HTML][HTML] Training artificial neural networks using a global optimization method that utilizes neural networks
Perhaps one of the best-known machine learning models is the artificial neural network,
where a number of parameters must be adjusted to learn a wide range of practical problems …
where a number of parameters must be adjusted to learn a wide range of practical problems …
[HTML][HTML] QFC: A Parallel Software Tool for Feature Construction, Based on Grammatical Evolution
This paper presents and analyzes a programming tool that implements a method for
classification and function regression problems. This method builds new features from …
classification and function regression problems. This method builds new features from …
[HTML][HTML] GenClass: A parallel tool for data classification based on Grammatical Evolution
A genetic programming tool is proposed here for data classification. The tool is based on
Grammatical Evolution technique and it is designed to exploit multicore computing systems …
Grammatical Evolution technique and it is designed to exploit multicore computing systems …
Using Optimization Techniques in Grammatical Evolution
The Grammatical Evolution technique has been successfully applied to a wide range of
problems in various scientific fields. However, in many cases, techniques that make use of …
problems in various scientific fields. However, in many cases, techniques that make use of …
[HTML][HTML] Local Crossover: A New Genetic Operator for Grammatical Evolution
The presented work outlines a new genetic crossover operator, which can be used to solve
problems by the Grammatical Evolution technique. This new operator intensively applies the …
problems by the Grammatical Evolution technique. This new operator intensively applies the …
Train RBF networks with a hybrid genetic algorithm
RBF neural networks are well established tools for classification and regression problems.
This article adapts a hybrid genetic algorithm to estimate the main parameters of the …
This article adapts a hybrid genetic algorithm to estimate the main parameters of the …
Quantitative analysis of liver tumors at different stages using microscopic hyperspectral imaging technology
J Wang, Q Li - Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2018 -
Liver cancer has one of the highest rates of human morbidity and mortality. However, in
terms of pathology, liver cancer is traditionally clinically diagnosed based on observation of …
terms of pathology, liver cancer is traditionally clinically diagnosed based on observation of …