Rural population and COVID-19: A model for assessing the economic effects of drop-out in higher education

A Guzmán Rincón, S Barragán Moreno… - Frontiers in …, 2021 -
Higher education is one of the ways to overcome social inequalities in rural areas in
develo** countries. This has led states to develop public policies aimed at access …

Validation study for the Academic Maladjustment Questionnaire on a Romanian sample

AM Cazan, MM Stan, AI Clinciu, C Truţa… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
Introduction The problem of academic dropout in the first year of studies represents an
important issue for higher education, in that it accounts for an important indicator of quality …

Pre-enrollment tests to predict first-year academic achievement in open-admission higher STEM education

J Hanssens, C Van Soom, G Langie - European Journal of Psychology of …, 2025 - Springer
The societal demand for graduates with expertise in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) stands in contrast with prevalent issues of diminished interest among …

Designing an online self-assessment for informed study decisions: The user perspective

LEC Delnoij, JPW Janssen, KJH Dirkx… - European Conference on …, 2020 - Springer
This paper presents the results of a study, carried out as part of the design-based
development of an online self-assessment for prospective students in higher online …

Do self-assessments for informed study decisions actually inform study decisions? A model for evaluating the consequential validity aspect

LEC Delnoij, JPW Janssen, KJH Dirkx… - Journal of College …, 2024 -
Pre-enrolment self-assessments are a promising way to address student commitment and
retention in an early stage. Such assessments aim to inform study decisions by evoking …

Towards an online self-assessment for informed study decisions–A mixed-methods validation study

L Delnoij, J Janssen, K Dirkx… - International Journal of …, 2022 -
Informed study decisions are pivotal for student retention in higher online education. A self-
assessment prior to enrolment has been proposed as a promising approach to enable …

Die Qualität von Online-Self-Assessments zur Studienorientierung: Ein Überblick zur bestehenden empirischen Befundlage

L Oeljeklaus, S Höft - … : Grundlagen und Anwendung von Online-Tests in …, 2024 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Online-Self-Assessments (OSAs) für die Studienorientierung werden
hinsichtlich ihrer Inhalte und Ziele umschrieben. Die bestehenden Befunde zu …

Dropout, persistence, and retention on online higher education: The case of the Open University of Catalonia

M Xavier - 2023 -
This doctoral thesis focuses on student dropout in online higher education (OHE), with a
focus on the experience of students and faculty at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya …

[HTML][HTML] Analysis, Diagnosis, Prevention and Mitigation of Dropout Among Rural Undergraduate Students in Colombia

AG Rincón - 2023 -
La deserción en la educación superior ha sido un fenómeno ampliamente estudiado, con
un consenso sobre su potencial para impedir la transferencia de los beneficios personales y …

Prediksi Semester Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Berdasarkan Transkrip Nilai Menggunakan Linear Regression, Kernel Ridge Regression dan Decision Tree Regression

EAZ Hamidi, E Mulyana, DR Agusthiani… - EPSILON: Journal of …, 2024 -
This study aims to predict the semester in which students complete their final thesis using
transcript data and three regression algorithms: Linear Regression, Kernel Ridge …