Rural population and COVID-19: A model for assessing the economic effects of drop-out in higher education
Higher education is one of the ways to overcome social inequalities in rural areas in
develo** countries. This has led states to develop public policies aimed at access …
develo** countries. This has led states to develop public policies aimed at access …
Validation study for the Academic Maladjustment Questionnaire on a Romanian sample
Introduction The problem of academic dropout in the first year of studies represents an
important issue for higher education, in that it accounts for an important indicator of quality …
important issue for higher education, in that it accounts for an important indicator of quality …
Pre-enrollment tests to predict first-year academic achievement in open-admission higher STEM education
J Hanssens, C Van Soom, G Langie - European Journal of Psychology of …, 2025 - Springer
The societal demand for graduates with expertise in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) stands in contrast with prevalent issues of diminished interest among …
Mathematics (STEM) stands in contrast with prevalent issues of diminished interest among …
Designing an online self-assessment for informed study decisions: The user perspective
This paper presents the results of a study, carried out as part of the design-based
development of an online self-assessment for prospective students in higher online …
development of an online self-assessment for prospective students in higher online …
Do self-assessments for informed study decisions actually inform study decisions? A model for evaluating the consequential validity aspect
Pre-enrolment self-assessments are a promising way to address student commitment and
retention in an early stage. Such assessments aim to inform study decisions by evoking …
retention in an early stage. Such assessments aim to inform study decisions by evoking …
Towards an online self-assessment for informed study decisions–A mixed-methods validation study
Informed study decisions are pivotal for student retention in higher online education. A self-
assessment prior to enrolment has been proposed as a promising approach to enable …
assessment prior to enrolment has been proposed as a promising approach to enable …
Die Qualität von Online-Self-Assessments zur Studienorientierung: Ein Überblick zur bestehenden empirischen Befundlage
L Oeljeklaus, S Höft - … : Grundlagen und Anwendung von Online-Tests in …, 2024 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Online-Self-Assessments (OSAs) für die Studienorientierung werden
hinsichtlich ihrer Inhalte und Ziele umschrieben. Die bestehenden Befunde zu …
hinsichtlich ihrer Inhalte und Ziele umschrieben. Die bestehenden Befunde zu …
Dropout, persistence, and retention on online higher education: The case of the Open University of Catalonia
M Xavier - 2023 - openaccess.uoc.edu
This doctoral thesis focuses on student dropout in online higher education (OHE), with a
focus on the experience of students and faculty at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya …
focus on the experience of students and faculty at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya …
[HTML][HTML] Analysis, Diagnosis, Prevention and Mitigation of Dropout Among Rural Undergraduate Students in Colombia
AG Rincón - 2023 - dialnet.unirioja.es
La deserción en la educación superior ha sido un fenómeno ampliamente estudiado, con
un consenso sobre su potencial para impedir la transferencia de los beneficios personales y …
un consenso sobre su potencial para impedir la transferencia de los beneficios personales y …
Prediksi Semester Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Berdasarkan Transkrip Nilai Menggunakan Linear Regression, Kernel Ridge Regression dan Decision Tree Regression
This study aims to predict the semester in which students complete their final thesis using
transcript data and three regression algorithms: Linear Regression, Kernel Ridge …
transcript data and three regression algorithms: Linear Regression, Kernel Ridge …