Hilbert's 16th problem and bifurcations of planar polynomial vector fields
J Li - International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2003 - World Scientific
The original Hilbert's 16th problem can be split into four parts consisting of Problems A–D. In
this paper, the progress of study on Hilbert's 16th problem is presented, and the relationship …
this paper, the progress of study on Hilbert's 16th problem is presented, and the relationship …
[КНИГА][B] Qualitative theory of planar differential systems
Universitext Page 1 123 Universitext Qualitative Theory of Planar Differential Systems Freddy
Dumortier Jaume Llibre Joan C. Artés Page 2 Page 3 123 Freddy Dumortier, Jaume Llibre …
Dumortier Jaume Llibre Joan C. Artés Page 2 Page 3 123 Freddy Dumortier, Jaume Llibre …
On some open problems in planar differential systems and Hilbert's 16th problem
J Giné - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2007 - Elsevier
This review paper contains a brief summary of topics and concepts related with some open
problems of planar differential systems. Most of them are related with 16th Hilbert problem …
problems of planar differential systems. Most of them are related with 16th Hilbert problem …
A survey of isochronous centers
J Chavarriga, M Sabatini - Qualitative theory of dynamical systems, 1999 - Springer
Св и з зйжк н л к в гк жк л г и ж зйаиз г и в в и зий н г зг жгвгйз ви жз г к игж Ќ а з в и да в К
Ь з д д ж гвз зиз г илг д жизК Св и Ќжзи гв Дз и гвз Оп ЕИ л ж к л згб в ж а и в ей з и и джгк …
Ь з д д ж гвз зиз г илг д жизК Св и Ќжзи гв Дз и гвз Оп ЕИ л ж к л згб в ж а и в ей з и и джгк …
Isochronous centers of a linear center perturbed by fourth degree homogeneous polynomial
In this work we study isochronous centers of two-dimensional autonomous system in the
plane with linear part of center type and non-linear part given by homogeneous polynomials …
plane with linear part of center type and non-linear part given by homogeneous polynomials …
A survey on the inverse integrating factor
IA García, M Grau - Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 2010 - Springer
The relation between limit cycles of planar differential systems and the inverse integrating
factor was first shown in an article of Giacomini, Llibre and Viano appeared in 1996. From …
factor was first shown in an article of Giacomini, Llibre and Viano appeared in 1996. From …
[HTML][HTML] Hamiltonian nilpotent centers of linear plus cubic homogeneous polynomial vector fields
IE Colak, J Llibre, C Valls - Advances in Mathematics, 2014 - Elsevier
Hamiltonian nilpotent centers of linear plus cubic homogeneous polynomial vector fields -
ScienceDirect Skip to main contentSkip to article Elsevier logo Journals & Books Search …
ScienceDirect Skip to main contentSkip to article Elsevier logo Journals & Books Search …
The focus-centre problem for a type of degenerate system
We consider differential systems in the plane defined by the sum of two homogeneous
vector fields. We assume that the origin is a degenerate singular point for these differential …
vector fields. We assume that the origin is a degenerate singular point for these differential …
Integrability of a linear center perturbed by a fifth degree homogeneous polynomial
In this work we study the integrability of two-dimensional autonomous system in the plane
with linear part of center type and non-linear part given by homogeneous polynomials of fifth …
with linear part of center type and non-linear part given by homogeneous polynomials of fifth …
Center problem for several differential equations via Cherkas' method
Cherkas' method characterizes centers for analytic Liénard differential equations. We extend
his method to degenerate Liénard differential equations and we apply this extension to solve …
his method to degenerate Liénard differential equations and we apply this extension to solve …