In-situ strengthening of a high strength low alloy steel during Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)
In this work, SiC particles were added to the molten pool during WAAM of a high strength
low alloy steel. The introduction of these high melting point particles promoted grain …
low alloy steel. The introduction of these high melting point particles promoted grain …
H13 tool steel fabricated by wire arc additive manufacturing: Solidification mode, microstructure evolution mechanism and mechanical properties
X Du, X Liu, Y Shen, R Liu, Y Wei - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2023 - Elsevier
The critical application value of AISI H13 tool steel in the die and mold industry and the great
application potential of additive manufacturing (AM) technology in die manufacturing and …
application potential of additive manufacturing (AM) technology in die manufacturing and …
Improving strength and ductility of H13 die steel by pre-tempering treatment and its mechanism
J Zhu, Z Zhang, J **e - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019 - Elsevier
Retained austenite plays an important role in alloy steel to obtain high strength and
excellent ductility. In this work, the pre-tempering process was developed to refine the …
excellent ductility. In this work, the pre-tempering process was developed to refine the …
Thermal fatigue performance enhancement of new high-Cr martensitic die steels based on overall microstructure manipulation by trace TiC–TiB2 nanoparticles
YL Li, YZ Zou, YH Lin, HY Yang, J Meng… - Materials Science and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Thermal fatigue failure is one of the main factors affecting the service life of hot work die
steel. Achieving excellent thermal fatigue resistance for hot working die steels can benefit …
steel. Achieving excellent thermal fatigue resistance for hot working die steels can benefit …
Effect of the quenching and tempering temperatures on the microstructure and mechanical properties of H13 steel
J Wang, Z Xu, X Lu - Journal of materials engineering and performance, 2020 - Springer
H13 steel is a typical hot work die steel with good strength and toughness that is often used
to manufacture high-temperature disk springs. However, disk springs occasionally fail after …
to manufacture high-temperature disk springs. However, disk springs occasionally fail after …
The effect of the addition of alloying elements on carbide precipitation and mechanical properties in 5% chromium martensitic steels
Carbide-forming elements (W, Mo, Nb, V), as well as elements that influence only the
tempering kinetics (Co, Ni), were added to a 5% Cr tempered martensitic steel in order to …
tempering kinetics (Co, Ni), were added to a 5% Cr tempered martensitic steel in order to …
High-temperature properties and microstructural stability of hot-work tool steels
A Medvedeva, J Bergström, S Gunnarsson… - Materials Science and …, 2009 - Elsevier
Indexable insert tools for machining operations are in service exposed to high temperatures
and cyclic mechanical loads. Secondary hardening steels such as hot-work steels are …
and cyclic mechanical loads. Secondary hardening steels such as hot-work steels are …
General investigations on the heat treatment and thermal fatigue behavior of an experimental hot work tool steel tailored for laser powder bed fusion
F Deirmina, L Quarzago, D Butcher, E Bettini… - Materials Science and …, 2024 - Elsevier
An experimental hot work tool steel with a leaner chemistry compared to the standard AISI-
H13 grade, aimed at enhanced processability, was gas atomized and processed using laser …
H13 grade, aimed at enhanced processability, was gas atomized and processed using laser …
The martensitic crystallography and strengthening mechanisms of ultra-high strength rare earth H13 steel
J Zhu, GT Lin, ZH Zhang, JX **e - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020 - Elsevier
Advanced die manufacture demands hot work die steels with superior strength.
Unfortunately, due to the rare understanding of the crystallographic structures and …
Unfortunately, due to the rare understanding of the crystallographic structures and …
The effect of silicon on precipitation and decomposition behaviors of M6C carbide in a Ni–Mo–Cr superalloy
The effect of silicon addition on the precipitation and decomposition behaviors of M 6 C
carbide in a Ni–Mo–Cr based superalloy and the tensile properties of this alloy have been …
carbide in a Ni–Mo–Cr based superalloy and the tensile properties of this alloy have been …