An apprenticeship learning approach for adaptive video streaming based on chunk quality and user preference
Video traffic has experienced an exponential increase in current years due to the growing
ubiquity of mobile equipment and the constant network improvement. Most commercial …
ubiquity of mobile equipment and the constant network improvement. Most commercial …
RAV: Learning-based adaptive streaming to coordinate the audio and video bitrate selections
Most commercial players adopt adaptive bitrate (ABR) algorithms to dynamically decide
each chunk's bitrate based on the perceived network bandwidth and buffer occupancy …
each chunk's bitrate based on the perceived network bandwidth and buffer occupancy …
A buffer-based adaptive bitrate approach in wireless networks with iterative correction
Most providers of video streaming are interested in improving quality of user experience
across various wireless network circumstances. Many buffer-based ABR algorithms have …
across various wireless network circumstances. Many buffer-based ABR algorithms have …
Adaptive Video Streaming in Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Networks: A Low-Complexity Model Predictive Control Approach
J Lin, S Wang - IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Adaptive video streaming technology is regarded as a powerful method for enhancing the
quality of experience (QoE) for video services. However, its effectiveness is hindered by the …
quality of experience (QoE) for video services. However, its effectiveness is hindered by the …
Dual-Agent Based Collaborative Audio-Video Adaptive Bitrate Strategy under Commuting
Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) is an effective way to improve the user's viewing experience. In
recent years, with the increasing demand for high quality and maturing audio-video …
recent years, with the increasing demand for high quality and maturing audio-video …