Narrate, act, and resonate to tell a visual story: A systematic review of how images transport viewers
Marketers today are increasingly using storytelling to engage their audiences. However, the
design of narrative visuals is often inspired by a text-centric understanding of narratives …
design of narrative visuals is often inspired by a text-centric understanding of narratives …
What drives gift-giving intention in live streaming? The perspectives of emotional attachment and flow experience
Y Li, Y Peng - International Journal of Human–Computer …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Gift-giving is popular in live streaming, and many users irrationally send virtual gifts to their
favorite live streamers. Based on the attachment and flow theories, we applied the stimulus …
favorite live streamers. Based on the attachment and flow theories, we applied the stimulus …
A literature review of experimental studies in fundraising
This paper extends previous literature reviews focusing on fundraising and the mechanisms
motivating charitable giving. We analyze 187 experimental research articles focusing on …
motivating charitable giving. We analyze 187 experimental research articles focusing on …
[HTML][HTML] The influence of e-commerce live streaming affordance on consumer's gift-giving and purchase intention
Y Lu, Y He, Y Ke - Data Science and Management, 2023 - Elsevier
In e-commerce live streaming, sellers choose the most suitable streamers to endorse their
products. The streamer introduces the main functions of the goods, organizes marketing …
products. The streamer introduces the main functions of the goods, organizes marketing …
Charity social media marketing and its influence on charity brand image, brand trust, and donation intention
This study aims to identify the outline of charity social media marketing (SMM) and to
determine to what extent it influences the charity brand image, brand trust, and donation …
determine to what extent it influences the charity brand image, brand trust, and donation …
The impact of storytelling on the consumer brand experience: The case of a firm-originated story
Stories fascinate people and are often more easily remembered than facts. Much has been
written about the power of stories in branding, but very little empirical evidence exists of their …
written about the power of stories in branding, but very little empirical evidence exists of their …
How attachment influences users' willingness to donate to content creators in social media: A socio-technical systems perspective
J Wan, Y Lu, B Wang, L Zhao - Information & Management, 2017 - Elsevier
As a relatively new behavior, donation to content creators in social media has become very
popular in the last few years. Different from traditional donation to nonprofit organization or …
popular in the last few years. Different from traditional donation to nonprofit organization or …
Storytelling in online shops: the impacts on explicit and implicit user experience, brand perceptions and behavioral intention
E Karampournioti, KP Wiedmann - Internet Research, 2022 -
Purpose This paper examines in detail how the use of storytelling with parallax technology
can influence the user experience (UX) in online shops as well as brand-and behavior …
can influence the user experience (UX) in online shops as well as brand-and behavior …
Towards a theory of organizational storytelling for public relations: An engagement perspective
A Lane - Public Relations Review, 2023 - Elsevier
In this paper, organizational storytelling is defined as planned communication by.
organizations that deliberately uses specific forms of content and delivery behavior to …
organizations that deliberately uses specific forms of content and delivery behavior to …
Does use of emotion increase donations and volunteers for nonprofits?
Nonprofits offer services to disadvantaged populations, mobilize collective action, and
advocate for civil rights. Conducting this work requires significant resources, raising the …
advocate for civil rights. Conducting this work requires significant resources, raising the …