Ecological niche models in phylogeographic studies: applications, advances and precautions
The increased availability of spatial data and methodological developments in species
distribution modelling has lead to concurrent advances in phylogeography, broadening the …
distribution modelling has lead to concurrent advances in phylogeography, broadening the …
Microbial lag phase can be indicative of, or independent from, cellular stress
Measures of microbial growth, used as indicators of cellular stress, are sometimes quantified
at a single time-point. In reality, these measurements are compound representations of …
at a single time-point. In reality, these measurements are compound representations of …
Relationship of genetic diversity and niche centrality: a survey and analysis
The distribution of genetic diversity within and among populations in relation to species'
geographic ranges is important to understanding processes of evolution, speciation, and …
geographic ranges is important to understanding processes of evolution, speciation, and …
Positive association between population genetic differentiation and speciation rates in New World birds
An implicit assumption of speciation biology is that population differentiation is an important
stage of evolutionary diversification, but its significance as a rate-limiting control on …
stage of evolutionary diversification, but its significance as a rate-limiting control on …
Non-monophyly and deep genetic differentiation across low-elevation barriers in a Neotropical montane bird (Basileuterus tristriatus; Aves: Parulidae)
Most widespread birds of Neotropical cloud forests exhibit phenotypic variation that is
partitioned geographically suggesting allopatric divergence, but little is known about the …
partitioned geographically suggesting allopatric divergence, but little is known about the …
Species diversification and phylogeographical patterns of birds in response to the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Quaternary glaciations
Abstract The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) is well known for being of great importance in the
evolution of montane species due to its unique geological history and landform …
evolution of montane species due to its unique geological history and landform …
Phylogeography of endemic Xantus' hummingbird (Hylocharis xantusii) shows a different history of vicariance in the Baja California Peninsula
Studies of phylogeographic patterns provide insight into the processes driving lineage
divergence in a particular region. To identify the processes that caused phylogeographic …
divergence in a particular region. To identify the processes that caused phylogeographic …
[ספר][B] Processionary moths and climate change: an update
A Roques - 2015 - Springer
As this book's introduction clearly illustrates, processionary moths have long been
organisms of interest and the subject of research. This is because of the severe skin irritation …
organisms of interest and the subject of research. This is because of the severe skin irritation …
Species delimitation and phylogeographic analyses in the Ectocarpus subgroup siliculosi (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae)
The genus Ectocarpus (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) contains filamentous algae widely
distributed in marine and estuarine habitats of temperate regions in both hemispheres …
distributed in marine and estuarine habitats of temperate regions in both hemispheres …
Pleistocene and ecological effects on continental‐scale genetic differentiation in the bobcat (Lynx rufus)
The potential for widespread, mobile species to exhibit genetic structure without clear
geographic barriers is a topic of growing interest. Yet the patterns and mechanisms of …
geographic barriers is a topic of growing interest. Yet the patterns and mechanisms of …