Interval forecasting for wind speed using a combination model based on multiobjective artificial hummingbird algorithm
Abstract 1 Short-term wind speed prediction is critical for enhancing the efficiency of wind
power systems and assuring the stability and continuity of power generation and the host …
power systems and assuring the stability and continuity of power generation and the host …
Analysis and forecasting of area under cultivation of rice in India: univariate time series approach
N Annamalai, A Johnson - SN Computer Science, 2023 - Springer
This study uses three distinct models to analyse a univariate time series of data: Holt's
exponential smoothing model, the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) …
exponential smoothing model, the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) …
Time series forecasting using holt-winters exponential smoothing: Application to abaca fiber data
M Pleños - Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie-Problemy …, 2022 - prs.sggw.edu.pl
This study utilized the data on abaca fiber production and used Holt-Winters model to
forecast the abaca fiber production since the studied variable is characterized by a fairly …
forecast the abaca fiber production since the studied variable is characterized by a fairly …
[PDF][PDF] Peramalan Inflasi Kota Kediri Berdasarkan Indeks Harga Konsumen Menggunakan Metode Exponential Smoothing
Inflasi Kota Kediri pada Tahun 2021 tergolong inflasi ringan yaitu sebesar 1, 64%. Laju
inflasi yang rendah menandai pertumbuhan ekonomi lambat, sehingga diperlukan target …
inflasi yang rendah menandai pertumbuhan ekonomi lambat, sehingga diperlukan target …
An extrapolative model for price prediction of crops using hybrid ensemble learning techniques
Agriculture is the basis for food and the backbone of a country's economy. In India, around
70% of the population is actively involved in growing crops for food or providing direct raw …
70% of the population is actively involved in growing crops for food or providing direct raw …
[PDF][PDF] An Extreme Learning Machine Approach for Forecasting the Wholesale Price Index of Food Products in India.
D Das, S Chakrabarti - Pertanika Journal of Science & …, 2023 - pertanika.upm.edu.my
Precise food price forecasting is crucial for any country, and searching for appropriate
approach (s) from an assortment of available strategies toward this objective is an open …
approach (s) from an assortment of available strategies toward this objective is an open …
Blockchain-based solution for Demand Forecasting in Supply chain
D Kumar - 2021 First International Conference on Advances …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Demand forecasting is one of the most important activity for any business, marketing and
sales. It is used to forecast the demand of the product based on the historical data to make …
sales. It is used to forecast the demand of the product based on the historical data to make …
Scarf and Muslimah clothing are popular phenomenon that can become a trend in Indonesia
as an expression of cultural identity and communication. Demand forecasting in the fashion …
as an expression of cultural identity and communication. Demand forecasting in the fashion …
Supply forecasting and profiling of urban supermarket chains based on tensor quantization exponential regression for social governance
D Li, B Zhou, C Lin, J Gao, W Gao, A Gao - PeerJ Computer Science, 2022 - peerj.com
Background. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the accurate forecasting and profiling of the
supply of fresh commodities in urban supermarket chains may help the city government …
supply of fresh commodities in urban supermarket chains may help the city government …
Inventory Control for MSME Products Using the Q Model with Lost Sales Condition Based on Products Sales Forecasting
Abstract Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in economic
development in order to achieve thq quality of economic growth. Intense competition among …
development in order to achieve thq quality of economic growth. Intense competition among …