[HTML][HTML] Inbreeding trends and genetic diversity in purebred sheep populations

P Rafter, N McHugh, T Pabiou, DP Berry - Animal, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Monitoring the rate of change in inbreeding and genetic diversity within a population is
important to guide breeding programmes. Such interest stems from the impact of loss in …

Genetic diversity and trends of ancestral and New inbreeding in German sheep breeds by pedigree data

C Justinski, J Wilkens, O Distl - Animals, 2023‏ - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Sheep breeding is a long-standing tradition throughout Germany. Due to
breeding in marginal and harsh sites, sheep developed into a large number of unique …

Genetic diversity and the application of runs of homozygosity-based methods for inbreeding estimation in German White-headed Mutton sheep

S Addo, S Klingel, G Thaller, D Hinrichs - PLoS One, 2021‏ - journals.plos.org
The German White-headed Mutton (GWM) sheep is a monitoring population believed to
have been improved through crosses with other breeds, eg, Texel (TXL) and French …

Population structure of five native sheep breeds of Sweden estimated with high density SNP genotypes

CM Rochus, E Jonas, AM Johansson - BMC genetics, 2020‏ - Springer
Abstract Background Native Swedish sheep breeds are part of the North European short-
tailed sheep group; characterized in part by their genetic uniqueness. Our objective was to …

Assessing the Influence of Administration of Kisspeptin-10 on LH Release and Reproductive performance in estrus synchronized ewes

QJ Kadhim, SO Hussain - Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2024‏ - journals.ekb.eg
The aim of this study was to elucidate the impact of administering kisspeptin injection on
gonadotropin profile (LH) in treated ewes and to evaluate the effect of CIDR and kisspeptin …

Population genetic structure analysis of Shall sheep using pedigree information and effect of inbreeding on growth traits

M Hashemi, N Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh - Italian Journal of Animal …, 2020‏ - Taylor & Francis
The objective of this study was to use pedigree analysis to describe the population structure,
genetic variability and inbreeding to quantify their effects on growth traits in Shall sheep. The …

Estimation of microsatellite-based autozygosity and its correlation with pedigree inbreeding coefficient in crossbred cattle

K Elavarasan, S Kumar, S Agarwal, A Vani… - Animal …, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
In countries where farming is largely subsistence, no pedigree records of farm animals are
maintained at farmers' herd and scientific mating plans are not observed which leads to the …

Efficacy of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone on Puberty in Iraqi Awassi Cross Breed Ewe Lambs

IY Alrawy, SO Hussain - Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2025‏ - journals.ekb.eg
This study investigate how gonadotropin injection affects the growth and onset of puberty in
Awassi crossbred ewe lambs. Methods: Fourteen Awassi cross breed ewes–lambs of 5±0.5 …

[HTML][HTML] Historical Westward Migration Phases of Ovis aries Inferred from the Population Structure and the Phylogeography of Occidental Mediterranean Native …

Y Ben Sassi-Zaidy, A Mohamed-Brahmi, M Chaouch… - Genes, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
In this study, the genetic relationship and the population structure of western Mediterranean
basin native sheep breeds are investigated, analyzing Maghrebian, Central Italian, and …

Shared ancestry and signatures of recent selection in Gotland sheep

SM Ghoreishifar, CM Rochus… - Genes, 2021‏ - mdpi.com
Gotland sheep, a breed native to Gotland, Sweden (an island in the Baltic Sea), split from
the Gute sheep breed approximately 100 years ago, and since, has probably been crossed …