Exploring the nexus between sustainable marketing and customer loyalty with the mediating role of brand image
As the world struggles to cope with the pressing matters of global warming, rising
temperature, and environmental degradation, the need for sustainable practices has …
temperature, and environmental degradation, the need for sustainable practices has …
Customer engagement, dependence and loyalty: An empirical study of Chinese customers in multitouch service encounters
The existing literature emphasizes the importance of customer engagement and customer
dependence in service encounters. An essential and typical manifestation of customer …
dependence in service encounters. An essential and typical manifestation of customer …
Gender differences in response to digital marketing: analyzing purchase intentions and behaviors
Social media in the prevailing era has changed the attitudes and lifestyles of all individuals,
especially university students. Given its importance, this study examines the impact of …
especially university students. Given its importance, this study examines the impact of …
Analysis of brand equity dimensions and brand concept that influence customer loyalty in an occupational health clinic
In the midst of increasing competition in the healthcare industry, healthcare facilities must
remain connected with customers. The sample in this study consists of customers in …
remain connected with customers. The sample in this study consists of customers in …
The Effect of E-Service Quality and Brand Image Toward Netflix Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction
H Kurniati, AKR Prabumenang… - Jurnal REKOMEN (Riset …, 2021 - jurnal.untidar.ac.id
This research aims to determine the effect of e-service quality and brand image on customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty towards Netflix's user. This research uses quantitative …
satisfaction and customer loyalty towards Netflix's user. This research uses quantitative …
The Influence Of E-Servicequality And Trust On Customer Satisfaction And Its Impact On Customer Loyalty (An Empirical Study On Online Syariah Banking In …
Regardless of the rise in the number of online banking users in Indonesia, its adoption and
customers satisfaction on online banking services are still below the anticipated levels. The …
customers satisfaction on online banking services are still below the anticipated levels. The …
The effect of brand image and Omni Channel marketing on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in digital saving opening of Bank BRI
This research was conducted to determine descriptively and empirically the effect of brand
image and omni channel marketing on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in digital …
image and omni channel marketing on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in digital …
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Citra Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan: Dengan Variabel Mediasi Kepuasan Pelanggan
This study aims to analyze the influence of product quality and brand image on customer
loyalty with the role of customer satisfaction as a mediating variable on the millennial …
loyalty with the role of customer satisfaction as a mediating variable on the millennial …
SA Riyadi - 2022 - repository.unj.ac.id
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh positif e-service quality terhadap
e-satisfaction, pengaruh positif brand image terhadap e-satisfaction, pengaruh positif e …
e-satisfaction, pengaruh positif brand image terhadap e-satisfaction, pengaruh positif e …
[PDF][PDF] The Influence of Brand Image on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction as Intervening Variable on Skincare Products
The increasing Muslim population and the trend of halal living in Indonesia have made
competition between skincare product brands in Indonesia increasingly fierce. Safi skincare …
competition between skincare product brands in Indonesia increasingly fierce. Safi skincare …