Experimental evidence of shell effects in slow quasifission

A Pal, S Santra, PC Rout, A Kundu, D Chattopadhyay… - Physical Review C, 2024 - APS
Mass distributions of fission fragments arising from the slow quasifission (SQF) process,
derived by comparing the measured data with theory for several reactions, show distinct …

Incorporating non-local anyonic statistics into a graph decomposition

M Mühlhauser, V Kott, KP Schmidt - SciPost Physics Core, 2024 - scipost.org
In this work we describe how to systematically implement a full graph decomposition to set
up a linked-cluster expansion for the topological phase of Kitaev's toric code in a field. This …

Quantum critical phase transition between two topologically ordered phases in the Ising toric code bilayer

R Wiedmann, L Lenke, MR Walther, M Mühlhauser… - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
We demonstrate that two toric code layers on the square lattice coupled by an Ising
interaction display two distinct phases with intrinsic topological order. The second-order …

Entanglement convertibility by swee** through the quantum phases of the alternating bonds XXZ chain

YC Tzeng, L Dai, MC Chung, L Amico, LC Kwek - Scientific Reports, 2016 - nature.com
We study the entanglement structure and the topological edge states of the ground state of
the spin-1/2 XXZ model with bond alternation. We employ parity-density matrix …

Quantum robustness and phase transitions of the 3D Toric Code in a field

DA Reiss, KP Schmidt - SciPost Physics, 2019 - scipost.org
We study the robustness of 3D intrinsic topogical order under external perturbations by
investigating the paradigmatic microscopic model, the 3D toric code in an external magnetic …

Thermalization of topological entropy after a quantum quench

Y Zeng, A Hamma, H Fan - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
Topologically ordered quantum phases are robust in the sense that perturbations in the
Hamiltonian of the system will not change the topological nature of the ground-state wave …

Eigenstate switching of topologically ordered states using non-Hermitian perturbations

CH Yeom, BH Kim, MJ Park - arxiv preprint arxiv:2402.17280, 2024 - arxiv.org
Topologically ordered phases have robust degenerate ground states against the local
perturbations, providing a promising platform for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Despite …

Analysis of the buildup of spatiotemporal correlations and their bounds outside of the light cone

N Abeling, L Cevolani, S Kehrein - SciPost Physics, 2018 - scipost.org
In non-relativistic quantum theories the Lieb-Robinson bound defines an effective light cone
with exponentially small tails outside of it. In this work we use it to derive a bound for the time …

Stability of topological purity under random local unitaries

SFE Oliviero, L Leone, Y Zhou, A Hamma - SciPost Physics, 2022 - scipost.org
In this work, we provide an analytical proof of the robustness of a form of topological
entanglement under a model of random local perturbations. We define the notion of …

Detecting dimensional crossover and finite Hilbert space through entanglement entropies

M Garagiola, E Cuestas, FM Pont, P Serra, O Osenda - Physical Review A, 2016 - APS
The information content of the two-particle one-and two-dimensional Calogero model is
studied by using the von Neumann and Rényi entropies. The one-dimensional model is …